Weekly Article

Sue George • Director of Communications & Technology

Back in 2015, when I was working part-time as Derry’s Communications Coordinator, the Communications & Technology Committee embarked on a five-year technology plan. With former Derry member Dave Sweigert taking the lead, the committee worked to replace aging AV equipment and infrastructure throughout the church. I’m happy to report that we completed all the items on that five-year plan, and now that we’re out from under the heavy AV demands that the pandemic brought, we’ve begun work on the next five-year plan. One of the first things we’ll be addressing is the church’s aging and vulnerable WIFI network, which will improve connectivity, add security, and provide faster service for everyone who joins the Derry Guest WIFI. 

In June the team that installed our live stream equipment drove in from Malvern to make adjustments to the sound system in the Sanctuary. If you’ve attended 10:30 am Sunday worship in person, tell me what you’re experiencing as you worship in that space. The AV crew is pleased that the nagging problem with feedback has been resolved, and some in the congregation have told me they can tell the sound is clearer. If the congregation is satisfied, then we can turn our attention to other projects.

In March I reported  on the outdoor sign project and now we’re just weeks away from installation. Beginning in October, new signage will be appearing on the church campus and on the corner of Mansion Road and East Chocolate Avenue. I’m looking forward to having numbers on all the outdoor entrances, making it easy to direct everyone to the correct door — especially delivery people and guests. We’ve done some preliminary work on the indoor sign plan and we’re waiting for the first round of designs to be delivered for review. 

Tech Time on Mondays at 1 pm continues to be a bright spot in my week. A handful of Derry regulars and many new faces drop in on Zoom for an hour for conversation and sharing tips and tricks on high-tech and low-tech devices. Whether or not you have a question, you’re welcome to join for a few minutes or the full hour as we learn and laugh together. It’s the one Zoom meeting that has continued weekly since launching in May 2020 as a way for friends to practice using that brand-new Zoom technology. Let me know your ideas for other Zoom gatherings the church could offer this fall. 

I’ll close with a brief update on attendance. In 2022 we’re welcoming on average 32 people at the 8 am service, and 149 at 10:30 am. Live streaming brings an average of 151 IP addresses, which translates to about 225 people. Thanks to everyone who signs the guestbook and lets us know who’s out there worshiping with us. Pastor Stephen, Dan Dorty and I read all the comments and feedback you submit. Whether you join in person or by streaming, we’re glad you’re a part of the Derry Church family. 

PS: Following the 10:30 am service on Sunday, the AV crew invites you to stop by the control center at the back to check out what they do on Sunday mornings. If you like what you see, we’d love to have you join the crew to run audio, video, or content added with the computer. Open calls to learn more about AV operations are held monthly.