Weekly Article
Connie Henry • Elder
January 12, 2023
In 2019 when I was asked to serve as an elder for the following three years, I accepted knowing I would be retiring at the end of 2019. I felt I would have more time to give than the last time I served, and I enjoy being involved in the church on a deeper level than attendance. Who would have known that two months later we would be plunged into a world-wide health crisis that would last for the entire three-year session term and beyond? Decisions had to be made that were never dreamed of before the pandemic, all while trying to keep the physical and emotional well-being of the parishioners — and Derry Church’s future — under consideration.
Beyond the ‘topic of the century,’ our church is so many things to the folks who worship and participate inside and outside the church walls. It is a business which operates to serve its customers and members. And along with serving on Session comes the responsibility to make decisions regarding the success and the future of the church, the happiness and inclusion of the members as they choose to participate, and the strength of the buildings and grounds with which we’ve been entrusted. The behind-the-scenes workings of the church really come to light as a Session member, and we are all charged with the decisions which can affect all these things, and more.
I found joy and peace, stress and disagreement amongst members of Session. I also found respect for one another and resolution amongst differing views. I felt extreme responsibility to read each session packet from beginning to end so I could comment and/or vote appropriately when topics arose at the meetings. And I held close the responsibility to question and discuss all topics as I felt warranted. Without committing to these things, I felt I was doing a disservice to the church at large.
I developed a deep respect for each Session member, and feel my time was well spent for this reason alone. But beyond that, I came to realize how complex running the church is, and how fortunate we are to have a loyal and dedicated staff with only the best interest of Derry Church at heart, and so many committee members, chairs and volunteers who are equally committed. It has been an honor and a privilege to serve on Session, and to anyone who may be asked to serve, I think it is worth careful discernment and a willingness to say ‘yes’ if the path be cleared.
Happy New Year to all!