Weekly Article

Craig Smith • Derry Member

As we exit the COVID lockdowns and restrictions, now is a good time to re-engage Derry’s commitment to our mission partners. The Mission & Peace Committee invites you to participate in Mission Week Lite. In conjunction with the Dominican Republic international mission trip, these close-to-home volunteer opportunities have been organized to support our local mission partners:

Work at the Bethesda Mission Mobile Mission

Distribute food, coffee, and supplies to homeless individuals at locations pre-determined by the Mobile Mission Coordinator. Meet at the church and carpool to Bethesda Mission in Harrisburg. Five volunteers needed, age 12 and older. 

10:30 AM – 1:30 PM SUNDAY, JUNE 12
Bag Lunches for Downtown Daily Bread

Meet at the church kitchen to assemble and then deliver and distribute lunches at Downtown Daily Bread in Harrisburg.  Supplies and transportation provided. Age 14 and older.

4-6:30 PM TUESDAY, JUNE 14
Serve Dinner at Bethesda Mission Men’s Shelter

Serve prepared soup line dinner to Bethesda Mission clients.  Meet at church and carpool to Bethesda Mission in Harrisburg. Five volunteers needed, age 12 and older.

6:30-8:15 AM FRIDAY, JUNE 17
Serve Breakfast at Downtown Daily Bread
Help prepare, serve and clean up breakfast at Downtown Daily Bread in Harrisburg. Up to two volunteers age 16 and older.   

JUNE 19 – 26
Volunteer to Help Families in Transition
Help homeless families by preparing meals, driving the van, or spending the night at Seventh Day Adventist Church on Chocolate Avenue in Hershey when they host client families sponsored by Family Promise of Harrisburg Capital Region. Learn more in the announcement in this week’s eNews

Pack Food at Central Pennsylvania Food Bank
Pack food boxes at Central Pennsylvania Food Bank in Harrisburg. Meet at church and carpool to the Food Bank warehouse. Five people needed, age 14 and older.

To participate in any of these activities, add your name to the signup sheets on the Mission & Peace bulletin board in the Narthex or contact Craig Smith at (717) 574 9296.

The Mission and Peace Committee thanks the congregation for your generous support to Derry’s local mission partners throughout the year.