Weekly Article
Cynthia Pearl • Derry Member
October 27, 2022
One of the duties of the Deacons is caring for members in need. As a Deacon at Derry, I was offered the opportunity to accompany Pastor Stephen on his monthly visits to homebound members to serve them communion. I was grateful for the opportunity since COVID had impacted our in-person contact with many Derry members.
We set out on the Tuesday morning after Labor Day. We were warmly welcomed into the members’ homes and, for those I knew, it was a chance to renew friendships or to make new acquaintances. Each visit was filled with easy conversation, listening to their news about family or hearing about any concerns they had. At one home we even sang a favorite hymn together. It was a joy to see their smiles as we chatted at leisure. Then Pastor Stephen opened his traveling communion kit and we shared the “bread of Heaven” and the “cup of salvation.”.
Many of our homebound members live stream the Sunday service but cannot share in taking the sacrament of communion in person with others. It was clearly a joy to take the bread and cup with them and see how delighted they were to receive us in their homes.
It was a fulfilling experience for me, and I hope other Derry Deacons will choose to accompany Pastor Stephen on these monthly visits. If you’ve ever served as a Deacon (or an Elder), you can participate: just contact Pastor Stephen and let him know you’re available.