Weekly Article

Roger Zimmer • Property Manager

New cabinetry has been installed in room 6

This year has been different from others, but in other ways, things have been very much the same: there’s always something happening across the building and grounds as we maintain, repair, and improve your church.

We had just replaced the commercial stove/ovens in the kitchen before the church ended in person services in March 2020. Back then we were also in the process of remodeling and upgrading room 6 on the lower level, as shown in the accompanying photo. That included new flooring, a wall of storage closets, and rearranging the cabinets for better and varied use of the classroom space. In September we began the long process of removal and replacement of the Sanctuary organ that is still under way. Jeff Miller (custodian) and I have worked to remodel and rearrange many spaces to allow for the organ installers to move huge pipes around and rewire everything.

Outside, the parking lots have been sealed and all the lines were repainted. Several of our large trees were pruned hard ( and a couple removed as part of our ongoing tree maintenance program that monitors the health of the beautiful trees that surround us. We will also be removing several trees from inside the cemetery wall because of the poor health of some trees and the damage being caused to headstones and the stone cemetery wall. 

As the need for live streaming church services increased, I helped the installers with issues related to the building plans and wiring options for the completion of this large system upgrade.  

During the time you were not here, we relied on our cleaning crew to deep clean under, behind and above every part of the building. The buildings and grounds committee has been working on and is about half done with planned lighting upgrades. The exterior is mostly done, and interior work should be done by fall. This project will increase the light quality, energy efficiency and safety throughout the property.

I don’t want to end without recognizing Jeff Miller. We have all been blessed with having Jeff  as a very important part of the staff maintenance team and the helping hand on whom everyone relies. Thank you, Jeff. We wish you the very best as you begin your retirement in August.