Weekly Article

M.E. Steelman • Transitional Children’s Coordinator

I have exciting news for the children and families of the church: Sunday School, fellowship fun times, and our newest special programs will continue through the summer!  In a year that has been full of change, stress, and distance, we want to use the summer months as a time to reconnect and have fun as a church family. 

Sunday School will continue virtually to allow children to join together from anywhere.  As always, we love seeing kids every week, but we also love to see kids when it fits with their family’s schedule, so please log in anytime!  Our studies will take us on a “wild adventure” as we discover and learn about various animals mentioned in the bible.  

Fellowship opportunities will include field trips, art programs, mission projects, story time on the playground, and Kids Week 2021.  Our Christian Education team is busy creating these opportunities for all ages to find something they can enjoy together as a family or for just the kids. Please keep a close eye on the weekly children’s emails to see what’s coming up!

This summer we’ll be offering field trips for families to meet up, spend quality time together, and maybe even find some of the biblical creatures we’ve learned about in Sunday School at our local zoos or out in nature. These field trips will be awesome for every age and are a wonderful opportunity to meet other families at the church.

For our youngest members, we will offer story time on the playground. We’ll introduce you to the newly updated church library and share some of our favorite books with you.  After we finish reading, your family can enjoy playtime together on the playground.  This is a wonderful way to make new church friends.

Families who prefer coming to events together will want to join us for our monthly family worship services, “Art Nights in the Grove,” “Hands on Ministry” mission projects, and our summer field trips.  These offerings are created with all ages in mind and will bring families together to help grow their faith. 

Kids Week 2021 will take the place of our traditional VBS program. Kids Week has been created specifically for the children of Derry Church (members and all who have joined us in the past year). In the week of July 12-14, children entering grades 3 through 7 are invited to gather with us in the evenings. Children age 4 through entering second grade are invited to gather with us in the mornings of July 14-16.  We will be taking over the front lawn and transforming the space into our very own church camp. Our week together will offer the children a fun, comfortable, safe and exciting opportunity to gather with their church friends and grow closer to God and Jesus. This week will be memorable for sure! 

Whether you have come to everything all year long or you took some needed time to focus simply on work and school, I invite you to rejoin your church family this summer.