Weekly Article

Dan Dorty • Director of Music and Organist

Reflecting on this past year, a feeling of deep gratitude overwhelms me as I reminisce about the many ways God has blessed our music ministry here at Derry Church. Music is essential in our worship, uniting our voices and connecting our hearts as we pray, sing, and hear God’s word read and proclaimed.

Our choirs have had a busy year of music-making with two concerts in addition to preparing and presenting in Sunday worship. Our Christmas at Derry concerts were a success and wouldn’t have been possible without Susan Shuey stepping in during my recovery and helping to conduct. My deepest gratitude to Sue and all of the members of our choirs for coming together and rising to the occasion to present two fantastic Christmas concerts in preparation for a glorious Advent and Christmas season. 

In March, we celebrated our 300th anniversary with a Festival of Hymns. The Sanctuary Choir,  Derry Ringers, and orchestra presented the hymns of faith to a full house under the direction of acclaimed conductor Linda Tedford. Working with and learning from Linda was a joy as she brought passion and new life to these beloved hymn texts that we deeply cherish.

Our children’s music ministry is growing under the direction of Claire Folts, Director of Children’s Music, and Debbi Kees-Folts, Director of the Celebration Ringers. Our little ones have enjoyed making music together with new percussion instruments given by Lauren and Pieter Daems in memory of Lauren’s mother, Elaine Barner. This set includes Tubanos (African-style tuned drums), Talking Drums, Maracas, Guiros, and many more auxiliary percussion instruments.

Working with our youth on Tuesday evenings is a thrill as we rehearse and learn new music each week to present in worship. If you know of a high school student who likes to sing or play an instrument, we meet on Tuesday evenings at 6:45 pm in the Chapel. Join us!

We will rejoice with voices lifted in singing on Music Sunday, June 2. We’ll have one service at 10:30 am in the Sanctuary, where each of our choirs will share their talents in praise to God as we celebrate the gift of song in worship. Following the service, the congregation will enjoy fellowship at the annual Derry Church picnic on the front lawn.

As Music Sunday is the close of our program year, the choirs will have a break for the summer until they return after the Labor Day weekend. There will be two opportunities to join the Sanctuary Choir for an open loft Sunday. You don’t have to be a great singer, just come to the rehearsal at 9 am and learn an easy anthem to sing at the 10:30 am service. Open loft Sundays are June 30 and August 11. Come and sing!

Summer special music will begin on Sunday, June 9 with members of Derry Church and the surrounding community sharing their many gifts for praise and adoration given to God. Highlights include vocalists and instrumentalists of Derry, a quartet from the Susquehanna Chorale, mezzo-soprano Amy Yovanovich, soprano Victoria Lang, and flute and cello duo Victoria Visceglia and Ali Koch.

We are incredibly blessed at Derry to have so many musicians willingly sharing their musical gifts with us. My deepest gratitude to our choirs of all ages and soloists who have graciously given their time and talents for God’s glory this past year. Come, rejoice, and sing as we celebrate the gift of music in the life of our church on Music Sunday, June 2!