Weekly Article

Rev. Stephen McKinney-Whitaker • Pastor

On the first Thursday of each month, the eNews feature article highlights the mission focus for the month. In May we’re lifting up the Pentecost Offering. 

In the weeks leading up to Pentecost on Sunday, May 19, we are receiving the Pentecost Offering. A gift to the Pentecost Offering helps the church encourage, develop, and support its young people, and also address the needs of at-risk children. 50% of the Pentecost Offering will be used by Derry to support at-risk children through our partnership with Logos Academy in Harrisburg. The other 50% is given to support children-at-risk, youth, and young adults through ministries of the Presbyterian Mission Agency.

The mission of Logos Academy Harrisburg is to serve Harrisburg as a community school, grounded in the love of Christ and providing a rich education of mind and soul for students from diverse ethnic and socioeconomic backgrounds. They offer a rich education of mind and soul to the children of Harrisburg, regardless of faith commitment or financial means.

As an independent Christ-centered school, Logos is able to educate the whole student—mind and soul—providing a rich classical education for young elementary students and giving them a foundation for a life-long love of learning. With its classical approach, Logos’ curriculum recaptures the best elements of education used for centuries. It coincides with the students’ developmental stages, building on the foundation of grammar and focusing on logic, critical thinking, and effective oral and written communication.

Derry Church is helping Logos expand to a 5th grade classroom so they can provide a stable educational setting for elementary students. They make every student feel loved and special. They practice trauma-informed educational practices and keep class sizes small so they can tailor educational experiences to each child. Derry’s own Natalie Taylor did her student teaching at Logos.

Your gifts will help us reach our goal of $50,000 to help Logos create this new 5th grade classroom while also helping the PCUSA minister to at-risk children and youth. 

You can give to the Pentecost offering by donating online or writing checks to Derry Church notated “Pentecost Offering.” Or give directly to the Logos project by writing checks to Derry Church notated “Logos Academy.”