Weekly Article
Beckie Freiberg, BSN RN CPN FCN • Faith Community Nurse
August 22, 2024
It has been over a year since I had the privilege of becoming Derry’s first Faith Community Nurse, and what a year it has been. I have been so welcomed by all of you and for that I am grateful. Derry truly is a special place.
In November, I completed a 16-week online Faith Community Nurse Course from West Virginia University College of Nursing. The course dealt with all aspects of Faith Community Nursing. I learned so much, including much about myself, through the readings and online discussion with my classmates and instructors. Upon completing this class, I am officially a Faith Community Nurse and can use the FCN title.
As an FCN, I am tasked with the care of our church community through knowledge of the body, mind and spirit. Let me share with you what I have been doing for Derry over the past year:
- I visit members who are hospitalized (20 visits), at home (13 visits), and in long term care facilities (16 visits).
- I contact members when they have had surgery or are ill at home. Well over 100 of you have received at least one phone call, email or text from me. I answer medical questions and have made many referrals from my list of health resources. Many of you have called me or dropped by my desk at church to chat or to receive advice.
- I take part in worship services at Londonderry Village and help lead the Prime Timers programs.
- Education is a priority. There are now eight Health Time with Nurse Beckie presentations available on the church’s YouTube channel, including subjects such as diabetes, heart health, home safety, advance directives, and health maintenance and screenings.
- This past spring, we presented “A Matter of Balance,” a class led by Amy Bollinger, RN from the Penn State Health Trauma Team. The eight-week class instructed participants on staying safe from falls, including exercises for increasing strength, flexibility, and balance. The class was so well received that we are holding another class beginning October 8: contact me if you’d like to attend.
- We offered the “Safe Sitters” program through the Penn State Pediatric Trauma Team this summer. The 20 teenage participants received instruction on child care, choking rescue, how to stay safe in a home, and who and when to call for help. If you are in need of a sitter, call the church office for names of available graduates.
- I am a member of our Health and Wellness Team. We are an active group and among our many initiatives is a new Wellness Connection Group that promotes fellowship through physical activity.
- I serve as a resource for the Disability, Inclusion, and Accessibility Committee, which has instituted several programs and initiatives to better serve all who enter this church.
- I am a substitute co-leader for Derry’s GriefShare support group.
- We now have three AEDs, checked monthly to assure the operation of the devices. The AEDs are located outside Fellowship Hall, outside the Hammond Library, and outside Room 5 on the lower level. First aid kits are located on the wall outside the kitchen, in the kitchen, above the AED by Fellowship Hall, in the closet outside the Sanctuary, by the entrance to the office, and in the office.
- I have had the privilege of serving as liturgist in worship services and at funerals.
In July, my husband and I traveled to Lusaka, Zambia, where I was able to visit the family of Cecilia Kangwa, pictured above. Cecilia attended Derry Church and passed away in February. It was such a meaningful experience to reconnect with Cecilia’s mother Grace, meet her family and accept their hospitality. Grace was so thankful that we were able to visit her in her home so far away, and to grieve her loss as someone who was there with her at her most difficult time.
This year has been one of learning and experience, and it is my honor to serve the people of Derry as your Faith Community Nurse. I am blessed with this unique nursing ministry.