Weekly Article

Kathy Yingst • Administrative Assistant and Clerk of Session

Throughout the summer, the theme for our Sunday sermons has been “That’s My Question!” I would venture to guess that at some point when you have arrived at Derry to attend a meeting or other event, your question has been, “Why is the door locked when I need to enter the building?”

Gone are the days when church doors were open 24/7 and no one worried about security or unauthorized entry into the building. Recently, Derry’s Session reinstituted a policy that we had prior to COVID – that of locking all church doors, except the courtyard door, on a Sunday morning from 10:40 – 11:30 am. While we have had no threat or security breach, the Session thought it would be a prudent step to bring back this small but important step.

However, this practice is not the full story when it comes to the church doors. Derry is a busy place with daily meetings, musical performances, Derry Discovery Days, Zumba, and other events. A PA Department of Human Services rule requires that the doors must be locked when Derry Discovery Days preschool is in session and students are in the building. During that time, the best place to enter the building is door #1 on the Mansion Road side of the building. There you can use the intercom located on the left-hand wall to contact me in the office, and I will electronically open the door for you.

The doors are controlled by a computerized security program in which all doors remain locked unless they are set to open and close at specific times.  While this program is controlled by a few staff members, including me, your help is critical in setting the doors correctly. If you oversee an event that is scheduled for the building, give me a call in the office and let me know when you would like to have the doors open and close. Many times, I simply guess on what is appropriate. Sometimes the times I choose work, but other times they don’t. 

The doors will open and close precisely at the time programmed. If you arrive early, realize that the door will only open at the time set in the program. If the light is red on the keypad by the door, the door is locked. A green light indicates the door is open.

Finally, the doors should never be propped open. Doing so negates any security feature. Also, it allows entry to any number of our outside friends:  squirrels, chipmunks, snakes, birds, and bats. Believe me, we’ve seen them all! 

Keeping the church building safe, secure, and uninhabited by local wildlife is a job for each one of us. Call the church office any time Monday thru Friday, 8:30 am – 4:30 pm to report the times you would like to have the doors open for your event.