Weekly Article

Chris Baldrige • Executive Director, Harrisburg Public Schools Foundation

Editor’s Note: On the first Thursday of each month, the eNews feature article highlights the mission focus for the month. In May we’re lifting up the Pentecost Offering: 40% of gifts received will support the good work of the Community Check-Up Center in Harrisburg.

On behalf of the Community Check-Up Center (CCC), thank you for the very generous donation from the Derry Church congregation. Your support helps CCC to continue to provide free and/or low-cost health care to Harrisburg’s diverse and underserved children and adults. All are welcome, respected and treated regardless of their ability to pay. 

Located in Hall Manor, CCC was founded through a request from Head Start mothers and South Harrisburg women to provide support and medical assistance to infants and their families. Over the years, CCC has expanded to provide health care to those from baby to adult.  Through generous supporters like Derry Church, CCC is able to enhance and expand patient services.

CCC currently serves a population that self identifies as 53% Hispanic, 36% African American and 6% White.  Our clients’ ages range from newborn to over 85 years of age. To date in 2023, the Center has provided over 600 patient visits with access to preventative health screenings, vaccinations, health education, cancer screenings, acute care, hearing, and vision screenings and much more. With our focus on pediatrics, women’s health and family practice, our doctors and nurse practitioners are able to serve the needs of our community.  

While our staff is small (two doctors, two Nurse Practitioners and three Medical Assistants), we are able to see patients three days a week from 8 am to 4 pm.  We continue to look for highly qualified medical providers to help meet the ever-changing needs of our clients.

Community Check-up Center is fortunate to partner with UPMC, Penn State Health, Dauphin County, Harrisburg Housing Authority and numerous free and low-cost clinics throughout the area. These partnerships ensure that our patients receive timely and professional health care with dignity and respect.

Your financial support helps us as our major sources of income are grants and contributions. Patient payments only account for 18% of our annual budget, but we never turn anyone away regardless of income or ability to pay.  

The Community Check-Up Center welcomes volunteers and visitors. Click to learn more