Weekly Article

Kathy Yingst • Administrative Assistant and Clerk of Session

For the past six months, it has been my joy and honor to be Derry’s Administrative Assistant in the church office. For those of you who have ever wondered, I can confirm that the church office is a very busy place!

I was fortunate to have started in April, as we were easing into the summer months.  While the office was active, the steady workflow allowed me time to become acquainted with the responsibilities, procedures, and machinery associated with this position. Now that we are into fall programming with Derry Discovery Days in full swing and Advent just around the corner, the pace has definitely picked up. 

I’m sure many of you have wondered what it’s like to work in the Derry Church office. To give you some insight, I thought it would be interesting to answer a few of the burning questions that I’m sure you’ve always wanted to know but were afraid to ask:  

  1. What has been the most challenging thing to learn in your new job?
    Definitely using Adobe InDesign software. This is the program used at Derry to design most of our print and digital media, including the weekly bulletins and eNews. Sue George is a skilled teacher, and with her guidance I’m becoming acquainted with some of the tools and layout capabilities of this robust program.
  2. What do you like least about the job?
    There really is very little that I don’t enjoy doing, however, the saddest part of my job is preparing funeral bulletins when a member of our congregation passes away. Each one of you is a blessing and joy, so it’s with a heavy heart that I prepare the programs for the memorial services.
  3. What has been an unexpected bonus associated with your new position?
    At the end of every day (or most days), I turn out the office lights and move into the sanctuary to play the Aeolian-Skinner organ. What a beautiful instrument this congregation has dedicated to the glory of God. No matter what type of day I may have had, playing this rich instrument brings peace.
  4. What is the most surprising duty you have?
    One duty I was not expecting is overseeing the use of the church van. With the purchase of the new van, several new policies were put into place. To reserve the use of the van or to become qualified to drive the van, I’m the contact person in the office.
  5. In what ways has this position impacted your role as Clerk of Session – does it make it easier or harder?
    I think being in the office makes my job as clerk easier. Being on staff helps me keep up to date with activities at church and how they impact the various church committees. I have access to Derry’s minute books and membership registries so I can include any changes as they occur. Having access to the computer and copier makes preparing the minutes, session agenda, and other documents very convenient.
  6. What is your favorite office machine?
    Definitely the folding machine. It’s one of the oldest machines in the office but it makes quick work of folding letters and other types of printed paperwork. It’s a unique machine that is just plain fun to use!
  7. What is an unexpected joy associated with your job?
    I love greeting all who enter the building and working with other staff members. Derry is rich with talented, generous people who are dedicated to supporting each other and our community.  I love spending time with every one of you.  Feel free to stop by, grab a piece of chocolate, and say “hello!”