
Presbyterian Women’s Winter Tea


All females 1-day to 100+ years are invited to the 2024 Winter Tea. All attendees are asked to bring a stuffed animal or memory of one to share with the group. It can be a favorite or one not so well loved for a reason.

It’s a great time to get to know fellow members and children better. Afterwards, everyone can enjoy the tea and treats. RSVP to Doris Feil by Mar 1.

Help Derry Church Host the Lenten Luncheon on Mar 6

When Derry Church hosts the mid-day Hershey Ministerium Lenten service and lunch next month, many hands are needed: volunteers to help set up, serve and clean up, as well as donations of Jello salads in 9″x 15″ pans and/or two dozen cupcakes.

Deliver food items to the kitchen any time on Tuesday, Mar 5 or by 9 am Wednesday, Mar 6. Contact Doris Feil and let her know how you can help.

What’s Up with Derry’s Monday Study Groups?

  • After taking the day off on Feb 5, the Monday morning group will begin a new study: Prayer: Does It Make Any Difference? by Philip Yancy. Join them at 11 am Mondays beginning Feb 12 in the Hammond Library. Questions? Contact Claudia Holtzman.
  • The Monday night study group steps away from book discussions this month to consider the three questions presented with Pastor Stephen’s Jan 28 sermon, “Surrounded.” Join the group at 7 pm Monday, Feb 5 in Room 7B and on Zoom to discuss:
    • Have you ever had an overwhelming experience of God  communicating with you, similar to Paul’s conversion experience?
    • Have you ever struggled with knowing what God wanted you to do? How did you make a decision? 
    • How have you experienced God’s presence surrounding you?
  • At 7 pm Monday, Mar 4, the Monday night group begins a study of The Liturgy of the Ordinary: Sacred Practices in Everyday Life by Tish Harrison Warren. This hybrid discussion will be held in Room 7B and on Zoom and will continue on April 1 and May 6. Questions? Contact Sue George.

Join the PW Book Discussion on Zoom

6:30-8:30 PM MONDAY, MAR 11 ON ZOOM

All women are invited to participate in the PW Peace and Justice Committee’s Zoom book discussion. In March, the group is reading Our Missing Hearts by Celeste Ng, which both the Hershey Library and Middletown Library have in stock. All titles for the discussion series have been ordered for our church library. Click here to read more and register.

Meet Hossana, One of Derry Church’s PEB Scholarship Recipients

Hello Friend! How are you? I study in Class 4. My school is the best school in the whole city. I am grateful for your support towars me and my family. Because of you I can continue my studies at PEB EMS Girls Sargodha. My dad cannot fulfill the full fee of my school. I am thankful to you for holding my hand I request you to please support me throughout my studies. We pray for you daily. I promise you, I will work harder and will become a doctor in future. May God bless you and your family.

For 13 years, Derry Church has maintained a partnership with the Presbyterian Education Board in Pakistan. PEB operates 25 schools, primary through high school, including some boarding schools, that serve more than 5,900 students. Derry, through the Friends of Sargodha group, has a particular relationship with the schools in Sargodha. 

Friends of Sargodha’s goal is to continue to provide ten scholarships every year. You can help.

A full scholarship for a day student is $400 a year, about a dollar a day. We are dividing that amount into ten shares, $40 each, to offer you the opportunity to support a portion of a scholarship. 

You can purchase one or more shares by writing a check to Derry Church notated “Pakistan Scholarship” or online through the church website.

Learn more:

This fundraiser continues through February 2024

Have Your Photo Taken for the Church Directory!

The next directory will be printed in late March, so now is a great time to have a new photo taken — especially those families whose children have grown up a lot since the last photo. Anyone who would like a new photo (or who never had a photo taken) is welcome to have one taken by Sue George on Sunday mornings following the worship services, or you can stop by during the week. To schedule a time, send Sue an email. Or look for Sue in the Narthex or Fellowship Hall on Sunday mornings.

Check Out our Preschool’s Virtual Silent Auction!


Derry Discovery Days Preschool invites you to check out their  virtual Silent Auction held in conjunction with their Jan 27 Pancakes and Pajamas event. Scan the QR code or click the link to join the auction and place bids for a great assortment of items from vendors including Sweet Velvet Macarons, Where the Wild Things Play, Lake Tobias, Adventure Sports and more.

Jan 2024 Session Highlights

  • Re-elected Kathy Yingst as Clerk of Session and elected Michelle Curry, CPA of Achenbach & Curry, as Treasurer for terms of one year.
  • Derry Church offers a Youth Servant Leadership Scholarship in honor of youth leaders in our congregation who have been committed to the Derry Church community. It is awarded to high school seniors and the award can be used for any legitimate higher education expense. This scholarship, approved by Session in 2019, contained a requirement that the individual(s) receiving the award be a member of Derry Church. Session discussed this requirement and approved a change which removed that requirement from the policy. The rationale is that we want our youth to discern when the Holy Spirit is calling them to become a member of Derry, not do so to qualify for a scholarship. The application stresses participation in Derry activities and requires written essays which reflect on the applicant’s personal beliefs and how their faith has influenced their work within Derry and in other community service activities.
  • Greg Taylor of Stewardship & Finance reported that due to generous congregational giving and underspending by church committees, we finished 2023 with a positive change in net assets of $20,000. After discussion, the Session approved adding this overage to the members’ equity account to be available for use towards a potential deficit at the end of 2024.
  • Two additional confirmands submitted information on their projects for the “Be a Blessing Challenge.” Emmie Achorn will be collecting donated items for the Harrisburg Humane Shelter and Anne Burke will be soliciting donations for baskets that she will be filling with items for cancer patients, named Ian’s Baskets in honor of her grandfather who battled cancer. The Session approved both projects.
  • The Session reviewed Pastor Stephen’s 2024 Terms of Call, which have not changed from 2023. The Terms will be voted upon by the congregation at the Annual Meeting on February 11, and the Session recommends that they be approved. Pastor Stephen previously submitted a proposal that he receive no cash increase in compensation, but rather that additional travel for him in 2024 be funded from the Brong Scholarship Fund. Session previously approved this use of those funds.
  • Tom Davis and Mike Leader will be Session’s representatives on the Nominating Committee. All active Elders were elected as Commissioners for the 2024 Presbytery meetings.
  • Derry Discovery Days’ Pancakes & PJ event will be moved Saturday, January 27 considering the weather predictions for the original date of January 20. The preschool will be including an online silent auction of items donated by local businesses during this event. The session approved opening the silent auction to Derry’s congregation.
  • Session approved the collection of items for Christian Churches United of the Tri-County area for their two walk-in overnight shelters. Derry’s Mission & Peace Committee will be collecting the items which consist of food, clothing, toiletries, and needed items for the shelters through Feb 15.

Derry’s Next New Member Class Begins in February


The winter series of New Member Discovery Classes gives you the opportunity to learn more about the mission and ministry of Derry Church, and discover how you’d like to share your talents in the life of the church. You’ll also meet staff and leaders over the course of four weeks and tour the church. Those who decide to join will be received on Sunday, Mar 17.

Registration is appreciated by not required: sign up online or call the church office (717-533-9667).

2024 Chili Cook-Off & Square Dance


Homemade chili and square dancing highlight Derry Church’s 23nd Annual Chili Cook-Off and Square Dance. There is no charge to attend, and all ages are welcome.

The evening begins with a chili supper. Those attending should bring a dish to pass: salad, dessert, cornbread, or a favorite chili recipe. Informal judging determines cook-off winners in the chili and dessert categories, and best-dressed adult, boy and girl will be recognized.

Following the supper, participants will enjoy a variety of line and square dances, including kid-friendly options.

Meet Ezran, One of Derry Church’s PEB Scholarship Recipients

Dear Donor, Greetings in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. I am Ezran. I study in class 4-A. My school name is P.E.B. Boys’ high school Sargodha. Dear donor, thank you for supporting me in my studies. It will help me to continue my studies. I want to become an army officer. Thank you for your support.

For 13 years, Derry Church has maintained a partnership with the Presbyterian Education Board in Pakistan. PEB operates 25 schools, primary through high school, including some boarding schools, that serve more than 5,900 students. Derry, through the Friends of Sargodha group, has a particular relationship with the schools in Sargodha. 

Friends of Sargodha’s goal is to continue to provide ten scholarships every year. You can help.

A full scholarship for a day student is $400 a year, about a dollar a day. We are dividing that amount into ten shares, $40 each, to offer you the opportunity to support a portion of a scholarship. 

You can purchase one or more shares by writing a check to Derry Church notated “Pakistan Scholarship” or online through the church website.

Learn more:

This fundraiser continues through February 2024

Jan 2024 Financial Snapshot

Cash Flow – Operating Fund as of 12/31/23:

        ACTUAL        BUDGETED
Income YTD:     $1,239,072       $1,300,000 
Expenses YTD:      $1,218,473       $1,370,882
Surplus/(Deficit) YTD:           $20,599         ($70,882)