June 2024 Session Highlights
July 3, 2024- Approved Baptism for the children of Derry members Ashley & Brian Shields – Jack (age 5) and Benjamin (age 2) – for Sunday August 18
- Approved the use of the church building for the following events:
- Wedding of Keiren Quaid and Devon Campbell (non-members) on Saturday, Oct 19, 2024, to be officiated by Rev Shawn Gray – use of the Chapel plus rooms for the wedding party.
- Market Square Concert for a musical program in the Sanctuary on Wednesday, March 26, 2025 at 7:30 pm.
- Member, Bob Foster’s request to conduct a swordmanship seminar on Friday & Saturday, Sept 27-28, 2024 in Fellowship Hall.
- Approved hiring Austin Pease as a summer AV intern on a part time basis (25 hrs/wk) for six weeks.
- Received a financial report from the Stewardship & Finance Committee.
- The Communications & Technology Committee will be selling polo shirts embroidered with the church logo at a cost of $25 each.
- Out of an abundance of caution, the Building & Grounds Committee made a motion to lock all church doors, except #9 (courtyard entrance) on Sundays from 10:40 to 11:30 am beginning on July 14. We have had no security threats to the building. However, the committee believes it is a simple step we can take to increase security. The full Session agreed and approved the request.
- In conjunction with this request, Personnel introduced motions to approve an updated job description for Derry’s Building Sexton and to hire Ron Zell in that position. Ron will be working part time between 8 am and 1 pm on Sundays as he handles room setups, makes sure our walkways are clear and safe, welcomes people into the building, and oversees security cameras and emergency response. These motions were also approved.
- Several other requests from the Personnel Committee were received and approved:
- Job description for a Finance Director position as we prepare for Sandy Miceli’s retirement at year end.
- Hiring of Megan Rhen as a substitute and Stephanie Crandall as a lead teacher for Derry Discovery Days.
- Approved Derry Discovery Days’ request to add Anna Melcher and Meghan Eirkson to the DDD Board beginning in August.
- DDD will be holding its fall festival on Saturday, October 5 offsite. In case of rain, they requested use of Fellowship Hall on that date, which the Session approved.
Welcome Rob Zell
July 3, 2024
Rob Zell has been hired as Derry Church’s Sunday sexton and begins work on July 7. You’ll see him in the building on Sunday mornings between 8 am and 1 pm as he handles room setups, makes sure our walkways are clear and safe, welcomes people into the building, and oversees security cameras and emergency response.
Rob grew up in central Pennsylvania, and his parents and two sisters live in the area. He’s a graduate of Lower Dauphin High School and Messiah University, and is an Army veteran. His background is in teaching and training, and he is employed at Londonderry Village as a Wellness Specialist & Functional Movement Coach. He and his dog Dusty live on East Derry Road and regularly walk by the church. He has worshipped with us and participated in several Derry Dudes events.
Security Update
July 3, 2024Beginning Sunday, July 14, all entrances around the church will be locked from 10:40 am – 11:30 am except for door #9, the main entrance through the courtyard. During that time, our new sexton Rob Zell will be stationed at the main entrance. He will monitor other entrances online and welcome those arriving late. The purpose is to make Derry Church safe and secure for all who are attending worship. Know that it’s always possible to exit the building, even when exterior doors are locked. Questions? Contact Pastor Stephen or ask any Session member.
Derry Musicians Sing and Ring at Mt. Gretna
Dan Dorty, with members of the Sanctuary Choir and Derry Ringers, will present sacred music celebrating the psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs of our faith as part of the 2024 Mt. Gretna Bible Festival. Free will offering.
It’s Time to Return Hygiene Bags
July 3, 2024
Presbyterian Women requests that whoever has sets of hygiene bags to be sewn, it’s time to return them to the basket in the mission closet ASAP, sewn or not. PW will be delivering the bags in the next two weeks.
New Member Classes Begin Aug 4
June 26, 20249:15 AM SUNDAYS, AUG 4-11-18-25 IN THE JOHN ELDER CLASSROOM
In the summer series of New Member Discovery Classes, you’ll learn about the mission and ministry of Derry Church and discover how you can to share your talents in the life of the church. You’ll meet staff and leaders over the course of four weeks and tour the building. Those who decide to join will be received on Sunday, Aug 25.
Registration is appreciated by not required: sign up online or call the church office (717-533-9667).
Spring House Installation
June 26, 2024Lynn Shirk, Heidi Keene, Karyn Hooper, Jill Peckelun, Carolyn Foster and Claudia Holtzman are the artists behind the panels that surround two sides of the pump house in the ravine below Derry Church. The art was commissioned by Derry’s 300th anniversary committee to celebrate the spring that drew the first Presbyterians to this location.

Devotionals for Summer Days
June 26, 2024
The July-September 2024 edition of These Days daily devotional booklets is available for pickup now in baskets around the church.
Volunteer at a Sewing Summer Camp in Allison Hill
June 19, 20241-3 PM MONDAYS, JULY 22 & 29 AND WEDNESDAYS, JULY 24 & 31
Join members of our Mission & Peace Committee on a few summer afternoons working on a denim sewing/decorating project with children in the Allison Hill neighborhood of Harrisburg. Many hands needed… especially volunteers with sewing skills.
Whether or not you’re able to attend, you can support this project by donating denim fabric (jeans, shorts, jackets, shirts) and scrap material, iron-on patches, fabric paint and markers, etc. Donations will be used for this project and then remain with the sewing classroom for future projects.
Carpooling available. RSVP to Kristen Campbell.
Get to know our Carlisle Presbytery leaders!
June 19, 2024From 10 am – 12 pm on Monday, July 15, Kristal and Jamie will be hanging out at the Cocoa Beanery inside the Hershey Lodge at 325 University Drive. Stop in and say hello!

June 2024 Financial Snapshot
June 12, 2024Cash Flow – Operating Fund as of 5/31/24:
Income YTD: | $645,625 | $546,167 |
Expenses YTD: | $534,411 | $564,775 |
Surplus/(Deficit) YTD: | $111,214 | ($18,608 |
New for Girls: Tween Time!
June 12, 20241:30 – 3 PM MONDAY, JUNE 17 IN ROOM 6
Girls ages 8-12 are invited for a time of informal fellowship and fun. For the first Tween Time, we’re offering an open art studio with all the supplies needed for girls to make their own projects. This event is hosted by Lauren June and Courtney McKinney-Whitaker.