
Register for the Winter Series of New Member Classes


The winter series of New Member Discovery Classes gives you the opportunity to learn more about the mission and ministry of Derry Church, and discover how you’d like to share your talents in the life of the church. You’ll also meet staff and leaders over the course of four weeks and tour the church. Those who decide to join will be received on Sunday, Mar 16.

Registration by Feb 19 is appreciated but not required: sign up online or call the church office (717-533-9667).

Do You Need a New Photo for the Church Directory?

The 2025 directory will be printed in late March, so now is a great time to have a new photo taken — especially those families whose children have grown up a lot since their last photo. Anyone who would like a new photo (or who never had a photo taken) is encouraged to have one taken by Sue George on Sunday mornings following the worship services, or you can stop in the church office during the week. To schedule a time, send Sue an email. Or look for Sue in the Narthex or Fellowship Hall on Sunday mornings.

Orange Day is Saturday, Jan 25

On Orange Day, Presbyterian Women focus on the exploitation of females worldwide by wearing orange or an orange ribbon.

January is Human Trafficking Awareness Month. According to the National Human Trafficking Hotline, Pennsylvania ranks among the top states in reporting cases. One of the most persistent myths is the assumption that it exclusively involves abduction or kidnapping, but this is true for less than 10% of trafficking cases nationally. Instead, traffickers groom their victims over time, exploiting vulnerabilities like age, poverty, substance abuse or unstable housing. Many victims already know their traffickers, and most traffickers are of the same ethnic group as the victims.

Wear orange Saturday to show support for those trying to end human trafficking.

January 2025 Financial Snapshot

Cash Flow – Operating Fund as of 12/30/24:

        ACTUAL        BUDGETED
Income YTD:     $1,385,868        $1,322,800  
Expenses YTD:      $1,299,624        $1,373,459
Surplus/(Deficit) YTD:          $ 86,244          ($50,659)

Sunday Bulletin Update

As the new year begins, our office staff is working to cut down on paper waste (we recycle lots of Sunday bulletins). One way we can do that is by printing fewer copies. Bulletins will be available at all the entrances: take what you need as you enter, and share if possible. Consider if you need to take one: at the 10:30 am service, you can participate without a bulletin. We invite you to give it a try!

Arts Alive Presents: The Knotwork Band


The Knotwork Band — Kevin Long, Tommy Kochel and Victoria Visceglia — is a Central Pennsylvania trio that performs Celtic folk music from Ireland, Scotland, England, and Brittany, as well as American and World music with ties to Celtic folk music. The band’s music has the strong influence of such modern groups as The House Band, Lúnasa, Old Blind Dogs, and Silly Wizard (as well as Andy M. Stewart solo).

The wide spectrum of musical styles (ranging from beautiful airs and waltzes to sprightly jigs and reels) and the variety of instrumentation (silver flute, high and low whistles, wooden flute and piccolo, guitar, resophonic mandolin, hardanger mandolin, banjo mandolin, cittern, bodhráns, bones, and vocals make The Knotwork Band at home performing at all venues imaginable.

Donate Personal Care Items to Fill Hygiene Bags

Presbyterian Women are collecting items for hygiene bags that will be given to clients at the Domestic Violence Center in Harrisburg. Here’s a list of needed items:

  • Wash cloths
  • Large-tooth combs
  • Tissue packets 
  • Deodorants
  • Disposable razors
  • Travel-sized toothpaste, shampoo, lotion and soap

Drop donations in the PW basket in the mission closet in the lending library downstairs. Donations accepted through May. Thanks, Derry!

December Session Highlights

  • At the Session meeting on December 18, the Session met with incoming officers: elders Bill Alexander and Matt Smoluk, and incoming deacon Lynn Porter, to examine them as required by the Book of Order. All were approved and will be ordained/installed at Sunday worship on January 12, 2025.
  • The Session approved a request from the Susquehanna Chorale to use the Fellowship Hall on Saturday, January 18 from 9 am-12 pm.
  • Updates to the active membership roll were approved.
  • Approved Derry’s 2025 operating budget as follows: $1,399,951 income, $1,443,081 expenses, leaving a projected deficit of $43,130. Historically, expenses are less than budget projections and with the addition of a portion of the income from the Anderson Trust, any shortfall, if it occurs, can be minimized. The Session also reviewed and approved the budget for the management of Derry’s rental properties.
  • Stewardship & Finance reported that with the end-of-year giving and underspending of budgets by the committees, we will end 2024 with a budget surplus. The Session will address how to use the surplus at the January 2025 meeting when final 2024 figures are available.
  • Using the Churches Helping Churches grant program, the Session awarded grants to two churches in the Carlisle Presbytery: Wells Valley and Monaghan. A third grant was made to Wesley AME Zion Church in Harrisburg through the Futures Fund.
  • Financial counters who will assist Summer Hakkinen with the preparation of contribution deposits were approved.
  • Approved a Stewardship & Finance request to obtain a credit card for Shawn Bentley from Northwest Savings with a $5,000 limit.
  • Approved the Presbyterian Women 2024 collections: Blanket + Fund, Birthday and Thank offerings. The Cookie Walk Jumbles Shop event will be held Saturday, Dec 6.
  • The Session is thankful for member contributions to the Terrific Tuesday free meal program. To bolster the fund for 2025, $7,500 was moved from the Futures Fund to the meal program.
  • The term of active service will end in January for elders: Ryan Bartz, Cindy DeMuth, Becca Farbaniec, Tom Kitzmiller, Pam Whitenack and Julie Yutesler. Thank you to these elders for their leadership over the past three years, which included many upgrades to the church building, staff transitions, and celebrating Derry’s 300th anniversary.

Worship with Pastor Stephen at Wesley Union


Pastor Stephen has been invited by Pastor David Miller to preach at his church, and you’re invited, too! Pastor Miller has led two Issues Classes at Derry on the history of the AME Zion Church (part 1 and part 2) and our youth have also worshiped at the Harrisburg church. 

Pastor Shawn will lead worship at Derry Church on Jan 26.

“Basically Broadway” is Back!


The night before Annual Meeting Sunday, Derry Church reprises “Basically Broadway:” members and friends of Derry singing new and classic Broadway favorites. It will be a fun night of laughter, music, and fellowship.

In person only, no live streaming. Nursery care available with RSVP: call the church office at 717-533-9667.

“Favorite Presidents” is the Next Topic for Curious Conversations


In honor of Presidents’ Day, this month’s prompt will be, “My favorite President is…”  Volunteers from the group will take turns speaking for two minutes on who is their favorite President, and why. Then other group participants will ask curious questions to understand more about the speaker’s connection and affinity for that President. It’s a great chance to learn more about each other, our pasts, our experiences, our values, and our hopes. Pastor Stephen moderates the conversation and everyone is welcome.  

Nurse Beckie’s Health Update on Norovirus

Emergency departments nationwide are seeing a sharp increase in Norovirus cases, alongside ongoing flu outbreaks. This highly contagious virus — also known as the “stomach bug,” gastroenteritis, or the “winter vomiting illness” — is the leading cause of nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, stomach pain, and foodborne illness in the U.S.

What is Norovirus?
Norovirus affects people of all ages and is most commonly spread during the winter months, although it can occur year-round. Symptoms often appear suddenly, usually within 1-2 days of exposure.

Symptoms to Watch For:

  • Nausea
  • Vomiting
  • Diarrhea
  • Stomach pain
  • Fever
  • Headache
  • Body aches

Symptoms generally last 2-3 days but can linger in some cases. Staying hydrated is critical, as Norovirus can quickly lead to dehydration. Warning signs of dehydration include:

  • Decreased urination
  • Fatigue or weakness
  • Sleepiness
  • Dry eyes or reduced tears, especially in children

If symptoms persist or worsen, seek medical attention. Keep infected family members home from work or school for at least 48 hours after symptoms subside to prevent further spread.

How Norovirus Spreads
Norovirus spreads through close contact with an infected person, contaminated surfaces, or ingestion of contaminated food and drink. Because it’s so contagious, it can easily sweep through households, schools, and workplaces.

Prevention Begins with Good Hygiene

  • Wash hands frequently with soap and warm water for at least 20 seconds, especially after using the bathroom, changing diapers, or when preparing food. Hand sanitizer is not effective against Norovirus.
  • Disinfect surfaces regularly with bleach-based cleaning products and allow them to air-dry.
  • Handle laundry with care by washing soiled clothing or linens in hot water and drying them thoroughly. Wash your hands after handling contaminated items.
  • Avoid contact with others while symptomatic and for 48 hours after recovery.

Remember: wash your hands and say your prayers—because Jesus, germs, and Norovirus are everywhere!