
Sunday Sermon Conversation Starters 9/3/23

You are invited to ponder and discuss the following questions with your family, with small groups and committees, or on your own so what happens in worship can follow you, inspire you, and guide you throughout the week:

  1. Describe a time when you have been part of a joyful celebration. What made it special? How did it make you feel?
  2. What does the word “glory” mean to you? How would describe the glory of God? Where do you see the glory of God manifested in your life or in the world?
  3. “Water into wine” has become a cliché. Have you ever had the experience of something ordinary in your life becoming a means of grace? Did you recognize it at the time?

August 2023 Session Highlights

  • Approved hiring Haily Radnor as Derry’s Nursery Childcare Leader. Derry Discovery Days submitted the following individuals as candidates for open positions: Krissy Leonard, Katie Pieper, Chelsea Kraus, Kelsey Freeman, and Stephanie Crandall. All were approved.
  • Approved the following building use requests: Use of Room 1 during the DDD school year by Capital Area Intermediate Unit #15 for speech/language therapy, use of the sanctuary on Thursday, December 28 for the wedding of Kate Valenziano & Bill Parrish, and use of the sanctuary/fellowship hall on Saturday June 8, 2024 for the wedding/reception of Dan Dorty & Sarah Hykes.
  • Transferred the membership of Eric & Kimberly Goetter to South Aiken Presbyterian Church in Aiken, South Carolina.
  • July income again was below budget with expenses also less than budget. Year-to-date actual income continues to be ahead of total expenses.
  • The Personnel Committee requested that the hourly pay rate for Nursery Childcare Workers be raised from $12 to $15/hr to improve Derry’s ability to attract candidates for the position. The Session approved the request.
  • Reviewed updated fee schedules for weddings and funerals, which have not been increased for many years. The Session approved the new schedules as submitted.
  • Rev. Marie Buffaloe and Rev. Brad Bradburn wish to purchase Derry cemetery plots. Since they are not members of Derry, this request was brought before the Session for discussion. The request was approved.
  • The Peace and Global Witness offering will be collected throughout September. Each church retains half of the offering collected and distributes it to a local mission project. This year, Derry’s half will be distributed to the Harrisburg YWCA.
  • The Mission Committee requested that Alaa Haikal be permitted to use the church kitchen for food preparation which she will sell through CWS/Global Marketplace. Alaa is a skilled baker, and her use of the kitchen is supported by Loretta Chubb and will be supervised by the mission committee. The Session approved the request.

Note These Fall Schedule Changes

  • New start time for Prime Timers weekly fellowship changes to 12:45 pm as of Monday, Sept 11
  • New start time for Derry’s weekly evening worship in the Chapel moves to 6 pm beginning Tuesday, Sept 12

Children’s Programming Begins Soon

“Rally Day” Sunday School Kick-Off
9:15 AM SUNDAY, SEPT 10 
Each year we love to kick off our programs with a joyful day of celebration! Mark your calendars now and make plans to join. Children can check out their new classroom spaces, meet teachers and have fun getting to know their classmates. 

Kids Fellowship is Back!
Kids in grades 3-5 are invited to our first fellowship event of the program year following the 10:30 am service. We’ll join forces with our youth group and take over GET AIR in Harrisburg. 

Music & Creative Arts
Come have dinner at the church on Tuesday evenings, then stick around for music and creative arts programming. 

Join a Fall Study Group

10:30 am – 12 pm Thursdays in room 7
This study group, led by Jan Nixon, will discuss Short Stories by Jesus: The Enigmatic Parables of a Controversial Rabbi by Amy-Jill Levine.

9:15-10:15 am Sundays beginning Oct 8 in room 2
Weekly study group led by Jenn Owsley. The letter of James is a short book with a lot of wisdom and practical advice on living the faith we profess. This discussion-based class will use James as a guide to sharing how our faith plays out in our day-to-day lives, priorities, and choices. Participants will be challenged through this letter to reflect on how we follow Christ’s teachings and share His love with the world, and how we can do it better. 

11:45 am Sundays in the Chapel
Pastor Stephen’s 11-minute lessons are back! Join him as he takes the books of First and Second Peter verse by verse as together we get to know and understand these complete letters.

11 am Mondays in the Hammond Library
This weekly study group will be considering When Christians Get It Wrong by Adam Hamilton. Contact Claudia Holtzman for more information.

7 pm on the first Monday of the month beginning Oct 2 in Room 7 and on Zoom
First up for the monthly women’s study group is a discussion of Kate Moore’s The Woman They Could Not Silence, led by Jane Robertson. Contact Sue George for more information.

1 pm on the third Wednesday of the month beginning Sept 20 in the Lounge
The Presbyterian Women’s Morning Circle Bible study for 2023-24 is Sacred Encounters: The Power and Presence of Jesus Christ in Luke-Acts. For more information, contact Doris Feil.

More options with Pastor Stephen:

  • Men’s breakfast at 7:30 am on the first Wednesday of the month in Fellowship Hall
  • Monthly Bible Study with Prime Timers, 12:30 pm Mondays in room 7 (12:45 pm beginning Sept 11)

A Hands-On Volunteer Opportunity

Derry Church and Rebuilding Together Greater Harrisburg have been given permission to begin construction of a ramp at 197 Houston, Grantville. The posts have been set. If you would like to help complete the project, further construction will begin at 10 am Wednesday, August 30. Bring a lunch and something to drink. If you can be there, please contact Charlie Koch or Pete Feil.

Sunday Sermon Conversation Starters: 8/27/23

You are invited to ponder and discuss the following questions with your family, with small groups and committees, or on your own so what happens in worship can follow you, inspire you, and guide you throughout the week:

  1. When are you most impatient? What is really hard for you to wait for?
  2. Have you ever wanted God to act sooner on a prayer, a request, or a change? What was it like waiting and seeing nothing happen? What feelings did that cause?
  3. What does it mean for you to trust God even when it’s hard to wait on God to act? Have you ever experienced God acting in the past that helps you remember to trust in the future?

August 2023 Financial Snapshot

Cash Flow – Operating Fund as of 7/31/23:

        ACTUAL         BUDGETED
Income YTD:      $738,769            $757,750
Expenses YTD:       $733,504            $799,681
Surplus/(Deficit) YTD:           $5,265           ($41,348)

Treasurer’s note: July income was again below budget. July expenses were below budget. Income vs expenses for July was $29,981.

Cards Welcome as We Celebrate Sue Fox on Sept 1o

Long-time nursery worker Sue Fox has retired, and we’re celebrating her care and ministry to the children of Derry Church on Sunday, Sept 10. You’re invited to bring cards for her that day, or mail cards to the church ahead of time. Even better, your presence is welcome and appreciated on this special day.

Love Inc Seeks Parsonage manager

The Parsonage Ministry Manager provides day-to-day leadership for two Love INC Parsonages. This position is responsible to lead the volunteer House Managers and Housekeepers at each location, monitor building operations, and network with Social Workers and Care Coordinators at the Penn State Milton S. Hershey Medical Center. This part-time position reports to the Love INC Executive Director. View job description and apply.

Sunday Sermon Conversation Starters: 8/20/23

You are invited to ponder and discuss the following questions with your family, with small groups and committees, or on your own so what happens in worship can follow you, inspire you, and guide you throughout the week:

  1. Do you ever feel over-worked, over stressed, and over committed? How did you get that way?
  2. How do you practice sabbath rest, and if you don’t, what keeps you from it?
  3. How does worship help you remember what is important in life and what our time is for? How could worship do that better?