
A Hands-On Volunteer Opportunity

Derry Church and Rebuilding Together Greater Harrisburg have been given permission to begin construction of a ramp at 197 Houston, Grantville. The posts have been set. If you would like to help complete the project, further construction will begin at 10 am Wednesday, August 30. Bring a lunch and something to drink. If you can be there, please contact Charlie Koch or Pete Feil.

Sunday Sermon Conversation Starters: 8/27/23

You are invited to ponder and discuss the following questions with your family, with small groups and committees, or on your own so what happens in worship can follow you, inspire you, and guide you throughout the week:

  1. When are you most impatient? What is really hard for you to wait for?
  2. Have you ever wanted God to act sooner on a prayer, a request, or a change? What was it like waiting and seeing nothing happen? What feelings did that cause?
  3. What does it mean for you to trust God even when it’s hard to wait on God to act? Have you ever experienced God acting in the past that helps you remember to trust in the future?

August 2023 Financial Snapshot

Cash Flow – Operating Fund as of 7/31/23:

        ACTUAL         BUDGETED
Income YTD:      $738,769            $757,750
Expenses YTD:       $733,504            $799,681
Surplus/(Deficit) YTD:           $5,265           ($41,348)

Treasurer’s note: July income was again below budget. July expenses were below budget. Income vs expenses for July was $29,981.

Cards Welcome as We Celebrate Sue Fox on Sept 1o

Long-time nursery worker Sue Fox has retired, and we’re celebrating her care and ministry to the children of Derry Church on Sunday, Sept 10. You’re invited to bring cards for her that day, or mail cards to the church ahead of time. Even better, your presence is welcome and appreciated on this special day.

Love Inc Seeks Parsonage manager

The Parsonage Ministry Manager provides day-to-day leadership for two Love INC Parsonages. This position is responsible to lead the volunteer House Managers and Housekeepers at each location, monitor building operations, and network with Social Workers and Care Coordinators at the Penn State Milton S. Hershey Medical Center. This part-time position reports to the Love INC Executive Director. View job description and apply.

Sunday Sermon Conversation Starters: 8/20/23

You are invited to ponder and discuss the following questions with your family, with small groups and committees, or on your own so what happens in worship can follow you, inspire you, and guide you throughout the week:

  1. Do you ever feel over-worked, over stressed, and over committed? How did you get that way?
  2. How do you practice sabbath rest, and if you don’t, what keeps you from it?
  3. How does worship help you remember what is important in life and what our time is for? How could worship do that better?

Presbyterian Women Gather at Derry Church


All women are invited to the PW in Carlisle Presbytery Gathering at Derry Church. For the morning session, Emily Sutphin — associate minister at Mechanicsburg Presbyterian Church — will introduce this year’s PW Bible study, “Sacred Encounters.”  

The afternoon program, Refugee Resettlement, provides insights and information on Derry’s experience with helping a Syrian refugee family settle in the community. A light lunch will be served ($5 donation). 

RSVP to Doris Feil or Loretta Chubb.

Learn About Derry Church’s Confirmation Program


Youth and parents who would like to learn more about Derry’s 2023-24 Confirmation program are invited to meet in the Youth Room with Pastor Stephen after Sunday worship.

Confirmation is an opportunity for youth to explore what it means to be a follower of Jesus and be a member of the church. Confirmation is typically for youth in 8th and 9th grades, but exceptions can be made.

Questions? Contact Pastor Stephen.

Issues Class Presents “Christian History Made Easy”

9:15-10:15 AM SUNDAYS, AUG 13-20-27 IN ROOM 2

Join Jack Keene and friends for a three-part video series, “Christian History Made Easy” presented by Dr. Timothy Jones. Participants will watch a 30-minute DVD on early church history, then spend the remaining class time discussing what they heard and saw.

Here’s the schedule for this adult education series:

AUG 13:  The First Christians 1-100 AD. The general question is proposed, “Can you be a Christian without dealing with history?”  This timeframe is when God enters history in the form of Jesus Christ. Christianity is an historical faith. There were many witnesses, not all recalling Jesus in the same manner. There is a study of Luke’s writings, and an account of Rome burning and how it was blamed on early Christians. 

AUG 20:  Defending the Truth 100-300 AD. Discusses the modern effect of The Da Vinci Code. There were many different Christianities in the early church. How were the books of the New Testament chosen? Defines the Christian beliefs of the Ebionites, Docetists, Gnostics and the Marcionites. 

AUG 27:  From Persecuted to Preferred 300-500 AD. Emperor Diocletian split the Roman Empire into East and West.  Galerius convinces Diocletian that Christians were against him and thus Christians became persecuted.  Constantine and his army subsequently captured Rome and Constantine became a Christian Emperor. Christianity first became legal. The Council of Nicaea convened bringing together church leaders from all over. The “real St. Nicholas” is documented.

Fall Programming at a Glance

Here’s a quick look at upcoming Derry Church events you can add to your calendar. More details coming soon:

10:30 am Sunday, Aug 20

7 pm Thursday, Aug 24

Friday & Saturday, Sept 8-9

Sunday, Sept 10

Tuesday, Sept 12

Friday-Sunday, Sept 22-24

4 pm Sunday, Sept 24
ARTS ALIVE PIANO/ORGAN CONCERT with Dan Dorty and Tyler Canonico/Sanctuary

Sunday Sermon Conversation Starters: 8/13/23

The following are questions you are invited to ponder and discuss this week with your family, with small groups and committees, or on your own so what happens in worship can follow you, inspire you, and guide you throughout the week:

  1. Has a loved one ever had a problem, pain, or suffering that you couldn’t fix? How did you feel and what did you do?
  2. Calvin’s idea of “Total Depravity” doesn’t mean we are awful, but that even at our best we can mess things up. Have you ever tried to help someone or do something good for someone but ended up making things worse?
  3. Sometimes we have to do all we can to make things right and sometimes we need to let God handle it. That takes wisdom. How do you know when to try to fix a situation and when you need to leave it to God?
  4. How can trusting that “God can make it right” help you offer forgiveness and find peace in the midst of pain or injustice?