
Preschool Opens Registration to Church Members Jan 21

Derry Church members seeking to enroll their children at Derry Discovery Days preschool for the 2023-24 school year may register for open spots Jan 21-26, before registration opens to the general public. Children in the Ladybug class must be one by Sept 1, 2023. To request registration information and/or a tour of the school, please contact Laura Cox, director. We would love to have your family join our DDD family!

Spring Ladies’ Banquet Features Bridal Fashion Show

On Saturday, May 6 the PW Ladies Banquet will be held in Fellowship Hall. Following the meal, a bridal fashion show will be presented. If you have your wedding dress and would like to  wear it, the organizers would love to have it in the show. If you choose not to model your dress, they will find someone who can wear it as long as the dress is available by April 15. All dresses will be returned that evening. For more information and to participate, please contact Jeanette Weaver by April 2.

Dec 2022 Session Highlights

  • Met with incoming officers to hear their faith statements. Called a Congregational meeting for January 1, 2023 to elect Jennifer Toth to the office of Deacon to fill the position vacated by Bill McGregor. Ordination/installation of newly elected church officers will occur on Sunday, January 8, 2023.
  • Approved hiring David Brittain as a part-time church Custodian, Krista Holtzman as a Nursery Childcare Worker, and Elizabeth Pinelli as a long-term DDD teacher while Morgan Smink is on maternity leave. 
  • The Treasurer reported that as 2022 contributions continue to be ahead of last year and expenses are below budget projections, we will end the year with an increase in net assets. The 2023 operating budget was reviewed and approved in the amount of $1,312,000 projected revenue and $1,360,882 projected expenses. The approximate shortfall of $49,000 may be partially offset by projected personnel expense savings and committee spending.
  • Approved entering into a new lease agreement with the current tenant of the Mansion Road property for a period of one year beginning January 1.
  • Authorized the Presbyterian Women to conduct 2023 collections for the Blanket + Fund, Birthday, and Thank Offerings. The Cookie Walk/Jumbles Shop event will be held Saturday, December 2, 2023.
  • Approved a request from the Christian Education Committee to contribute $1,500 from the Futures Fund to ELhaus, a ministry program run by Derry members Luke & Elizabeth Gawron. The vision of ELhaus is to bring people of all ages and walks of life together to nurture one another and inspire community care and connection.
  • Approved a Capital Procurement Requisition submitted by the Communication & Technology Committee to improve the sound quality in the sanctuary through the addition of microphones and choir speakers. The $11,500 cost of the project was generously contributed by a Derry member. Approval of the CPR was expedited as the full amount was donated and time was of the essence to utilize the contractor’s services for the installation.
  • Received a report and Capital Procurement Requisition from the Piano Committee regarding the purchase of a 2019 Steinway Grand piano Model D at a cost of approximately $150,000. Jacob’s Music in Philadelphia has offered to bring the piano to Derry prior to purchasing it so that we would have the opportunity to evaluate it. The committee is finalizing details of its fundraising program, which to date has commitments of $50,000. After discussion, the Session voted to allow this project to move forward with the delivery of the piano for evaluation on January 8. The committee is also authorized to present its fundraising program to the congregation to determine the level of support for the purchase. The Session vote on approving or denying the purchase will occur at a future meeting.
  • The Building & Grounds Committee reported that the Session House is in dire need of repair as the building is leaning precariously and is in danger of collapse. It is unstable due to several issues, the most crucial of which is a rotted support log on the left side. A Capital Procurement Requisition was submitted in the amount of $19,000 for the preservation work, which was based on a proposal obtain from British Masonry and Restoration, Inc. Contractors to work on a building of this age are difficult to locate, and Damon Taylor, owner of the company comes highly recommended by Jim Facinelli who worked on the Session House previously. (Jim is no longer in business.) Damon has an opening in his schedule to perform the work in February but has requested a 25% deposit to hold the spot. The Session voted to approve payment of the deposit and has requested references from Damon. A vote on the full project will be taken at the January Session meeting.
  • The Personnel Committee has been meeting and discussing Derry’s staffing needs. To that end, two new position descriptions were submitted for consideration. The first, “Director of Church Life and Connection” would help committees, staff, and members provide for faithful fellowship within Derry and cultivate connections between church members of all ages. The second, the “Associate Pastor for Faith Formation,” will provide leadership in Christian education, ongoing faith formation throughout the congregation, and oversee education and spiritual development ministries for all ages. After review and discussion, both position descriptions were approved.
  • The Personnel Committee recommended transitioning M.E. Steelman from her current part-time position as Children’s Ministry Coordinator to fill the position of Director of Church Life and Connection. This recommendation was approved.
  • The term of active service will be ending in January for elders: Greg Harris, Connie Henry, Ann Kroh, Bruce McKinney, and Karen Potter. Thank you to these leaders for their dedication over the past three years including helping us navigate the challenges of the pandemic.

Issues Classes on Jan 8 & 15

9:00-10:00 AM IN ROOM 7

On Jan 8, Tim Mosher will present “Health Literacy: Reducing the Risk from Diagnostic Errors.” It’s been our practice to live stream these classes, but a recent WiFi upgrade at the church has resulted in a few unexpected glitches. The problem is being addressed, but the unstable connection prevents us from streaming the class on Sunday. The class will be recorded and posted later on Derry’s YouTube and Facebook channels, but we hope you’ll attend in person at 9 am. 

The class on Jan 15 led by Susan Krehbiel, Associate for Migration Accompaniment Ministries, Presbyterian Disaster Assistance, Presbyterian Church (USA), will be presented on Zoom. You can participate in the Zoom presentation in Room 7 or join from home by clicking this link. This class will also be available to watch later on YouTube and Facebook.

Worship on Sunday, Jan 15

On Jan 15, Derry Church welcomes guest preacher Rev. Kristal Smith, the new Presbytery Leader for Governance and Congregational Leadership. Rev. Smith will preach at 8 & 10:30 am on the story of Mary and Martha from Luke 10:38-42 and share the story of spiritual integration (how faith is integrated into all parts of our life).

Pastor Stephen will be worshipping with the Wesley Union A.M.E Zion congregation in Harrisburg. If you’d like to meet Pastor Stephen there at 10 am, please let him know. On the Martin Luther King weekend, this service will include preaching by a Jewish Rabbi.

Star Gifts Available Now!

Star gifts — star-shaped pieces of brightly colored paper with a word for you to ponder in 2022 — were distributed in worship on Epiphany Sunday, Jan 1. If you did not receive a star gift, more are available in a box at the lower level office entrance. We can’t guarantee you’ll receive one as fitting as Nancy’s, but we hope that whatever word you select will challenge, delight, uplift and nudge you as you live out your days in the year ahead.

Sign Up to Have Your Photo Taken for the New Pictorial Directory

Over the next four Sundays, Sue George will be available to take photos of families and individuals who would like to have a new photo for the church’s pictorial directory that will publish in February.

All photos are taken outside the main courtyard entrance — the lighting there makes everyone look beautiful. Two families or individuals can sign up in each time slot: click here to pick the time that works for you.

You can also submit a head shot: send it by email to Sue George or stop by the church office and we’ll scan and return the photo to you.

Derry Has At Least Two Musical Minds

The conversation you overheard if you watched the 2022 staff Christmas video references 31 holiday songs, and as far as we know, only two Derry friends found all of them. Congratulations to Mike Klucker and Pam Whitenack for listening close enough to detect all of the references. We are in awe of your knowledge of Christmas music!

Christmas Eve at Derry Church


2:30 pm: Worship includes Lessons and Carols and communion, with holiday music presented by the Derry Brass. Arrive early to enjoy their Christmas carol prelude beginning at 2:15 pm.

5:00 pm: A candlelight service of Lessons and Carols featuring participation by children and music for the entire family to enjoy. 

7:30 pm: A traditional Christmas Eve candlelight service of Lessons and Carols, with music presented by the Derry Ringers handbell choir and the Sanctuary Choir. Prelude and live stream begin at 7:15 pm. 

Click here to view and download the Christmas Eve bulletin

Click here to join the 5 pm live stream

Click here to join the 7:30 pm live stream

Child care available at 5 pm and 7:30 pm. The lounge adjacent to the Sanctuary offers a candle-free worship zone and a space where young families can move about freely.

On Sunday, Dec 25 worship at 10:30 am in the Sanctuary or live stream. The prelude is a Christmas carol sing that begins at 10:20 am. Enjoy Christmas breakfast cooked by Charlie Koch and friends from 9-10:30 am in Fellowship Hall: your donation benefits mission trips in 2023. 

Dec 2022 Financial Snapshot

Cash Flow – Operating Fund as of 11/30/22

      ACTUAL        BUDGETED
Income YTD:     $1,191,212       $1,145,833
Expenses YTD:        1,023,500         1,186,110
Surplus/(Deficit) YTD:           167,712           (40,277)

Notes from the treasurer:

  • Contributions are about $74K ahead of 2021 and $40K ahead of estimated contributions through November.
  • Building and grounds is about $46K below budget. We do expect to roll some of this into 2023.
  • Some personnel expenses are backloaded.

Derry Church Piano Committee Recommendation and Invitation

Recently a committee was created to consider if Derry Church needs a new piano for the Sanctuary to better support worship services and music programs. The committee is chaired by Dick Hann and includes Janice Click Holl, Mary Lemons, Dan Dorty, Greg Taylor, Bruce McKinney, and Randy Aires.

Our current Sanctuary piano, a 6 foot 7 inch Yamaha, was generously donated by Margaret Bachman in 2006. It is a good piano that was designed for a living room and not a space the size of our Sanctuary.  If we decide to move forward with a new piano, the Yamaha will be moved to the Chapel where it will really shine in that intimate space.

The committee looked at several options (new and used) and after visiting a Steinway store in November with Shelly Moorman-Stahlman and world renowned pianist Ruth Slenczynska, they unanimously recommended a 2019 Model D Steinway. This 9-foot instrument is designed for use in a larger space and will provide a fuller sound to better support congregational singing, choral anthems, soloists and musical performances. Click here to learn more.

This piano is a unique a first-class instrument. It will be one of, if not the, best piano in central Pennsylvania churches and concert halls. It’s a piano that will attract top musicians for Arts Alive concerts and more.

The committee recommends that the piano, if purchased, be dedicated as the Lee Ann Taylor Memorial Piano. Lee Ann was passionate about music, especially piano, and greatly contributed to music at Derry as an accompanist, bell ringer, and volunteer choir director.

A final decision to purchase the piano has not been made. We have the opportunity to try the new piano in our Sanctuary and to hear feedback from the congregation. At the 10:30 am service on Sunday, Jan 8 you’ll see two pianos on the chancel: our Yamaha and the new Steinway. We’ll sing hymns using both pianos so we can determine the difference between the two, and hear the pianos for preludes, a postlude, and accompanying Amy Yovanovich for anthems.

Come back at 4 pm Sunday, Jan 8 for a recital by Dan Stokes, Dan Dorty, Mary Lemons, and others as they play a range of musical styles and give the piano a workout. Your feedback is welcome and appreciated. Should the way be clear to proceed with the purchase, a fundraising campaign will begin with the goal of raising the total purchase cost of $150,000.

If you have questions about the Steinway, or why it is being recommended, please reach out to Dan Dorty or Dick Hann.