Oct 2022 Session Highlights
November 2, 2022- Approved a donation policy for non-cash items with the purpose of assuring that such gifts are appropriately used by the church and to guide donors in their giving decisions.
- Reviewed a plan from the Communication & Technology Committee to upgrade our security firewall, WiFi access points, and install Zoom Room capability in room 7. These enhancements will improve security and online access, and the Zoom Room will provide a quality hybrid (in-person and online) experience for participation in meetings and classes. This item will be reviewed over the next month and voted upon in November.
- Discussed how and where to house the Syrian refugee family as their lease with Love INC will be ending in the next several months. This matter will be further discussed at the November meeting.
- Approved updating church bank accounts at PNC, Northwest, and Truist to allow Vice Treasurer, Craig Kegerise, access to those accounts.
- Approved moving the annual per capita line item from the Stewardship & Finance budget to the Mission budget. This is a pass-through item and will not take funds away from the Mission committee’s support of charitable organizations.
- Approved Church World Service’s request to sell handmade refugee items in Fellowship Hall on Sundays throughout November.
- Derry will continue its support of Derry Township Social Ministry’s Giving Tree and Derry’s Racetrack Ministry by collecting $25 Walmart gift cards. These can be brought to the church during Derry’s “Season of Giving” November 27 – December 11 and deposited in the collection points located in the Narthex.
- Christian Churches United was designated as the recipient of the Christmas Eve special offering.
- The annual chili cook-off and square dance is back and scheduled for February 25, 2023.
2022 Cookie Walk & Jumbles Shop
Start looking for that special cookie recipe! Each family is asked to donate one batch of homemade cookies (2-4 dozen or more). Drop off on Friday, Dec 2 or by 9 am on Saturday. Include a label with name of the cookie. If cookies contain nuts, peanut butter or almond extract and the name does not reflect that ingredient, please list that information on the label. Cookies are sold by the pound. Proceeds support Presbyterian Women’s mission goal for 2023. Contact Doris Feil to volunteer to set up on Friday or sell cookies on Saturday.
Due to limited space, Jumbles Shop donated items are restricted to jewelry, nice Christmas decorations, collectibles, and items suitable for gifts, all in good condition. Items can dropped off in Room 1 from Nov. 21-30. Anyone out of town at that time who wishes to donate, please contact Nancy Kitzmiller.
2022 Christmas Concert: Jesus the Messiah: the Promise Fulfilled
Centering on themes found in Isaiah’s promise of a peaceable kingdom, Derry Church’s 2022 Christmas concert brings together the talents of our Sanctuary Choir and Derry Ringers, brass and percussion in a program that includes “Tomorrow Shall Be My Dancing Day,” “The Dream Isaiah Saw,” “O Holy Night” and “Joy to the World.” Under the direction of Dan Dorty, you’ll hear Dan Stokes on organ and piano, sopranos Janice Click Holl and Julie Miller, mezzo soprano Amy Yovanovich and baritone Mitchell Sensenig-Wilshire. Don’t miss this joyful beginning to the holiday season!
Join the Derry Day Trippers for Dinner After the Show
Come to church for Basically Broadway, then join the Derry Day Trippers in downtown Hershey for dinner! Pay for your own meal: there’s no need to turn in money to the church this time. RSVP to Sue Whitaker by Monday, Nov 7 if you will attend so we’ll have seats for all who’d like to join. Everyone is welcome!
Sign Up to Help Families in Transition
November 2, 2022SUNDAY, NOV 13-SATURDAY, NOV 19
Family Promise families are returning this month to the Seventh Day Adventist Church, 610 W. Chocolate Avenue, Hershey. Evening meals, van drivers, and overnight chaperones are needed.
Click the links below to sign up to deliver dinner, drive the van, and serve as an overnight chaperone. Questions? Contact Jane Robertson.
Overnight Chaperones:
Van Drivers:
Worship at Londonderry Village
Pastor Stephen will lead worship with communion, prayers, a meditation and carol singing, with organ accompaniment by Kathy Yingst. A time for fellowship follows the service.
Help Lend A Hand Rebuild in NC
November 2, 2022Lend A Hand (LAH), a mission of the Presbytery of Carlisle, was founded in 1989 as a disaster response and assistance program. LAH will return to New Bern, NC, the week of Nov 13-19 to work on a new build. This house must be completed by Dec 31 in order not to forfeit a $200,000 grant.
The LAH team will travel by van and stay at New Hope Village, where bedding is provided. The $175/person cost covers lodging and food, but plan on additional funds to cover food expenses you may incur during travel and for dining out one evening. Questions? Ready to volunteer? Contact Pete Feil or register online.
Thank Offering of Presbyterian Women
November 2, 2022The Thank Offering of Presbyterian Women began in 1888 and supports mission projects at home and abroad. In keeping with the by-laws, 40% of funded projects are related to health ministries. Of the 10 projects funded this year, seven are in the US. Two projects are in conjunction with local Habitat for Humanity groups.
In Toledo (OH), the Maumee Valley Habitat for Humanity Home Repair Ministry will be able to purchase materials such as siding, wood, paint, concrete reinforcements and windows for home repair in three areas designated in the Neighborhood Stabilization Plan. This program strategically focuses resources block by block to elevate home ownership, make critical health and safety-related updates and support neighborhood beautification projects. The project’s goal is to lift up marginalized neighborhoods so that residents want to live in the community, families find stability, and seniors are able to age in their homes.
The second Habitat-related project is in Chattanooga (TN). The Orchard Knob Collaborative is committed to restoring and strengthening the neighborhood by using a long-range, inclusive approach to assist low-income households with home repair. The Thank Offering grant will purchase materials to alleviate health, life and safety issues, address code violations and increase energy efficiency. By making repairs and reducing exposure to lead paint, asbestos and allergens, residents will live in safer and more inviting homes and will lead to improved quality of life.
Please consider a contribution to the Thank Offering. Place checks in the offering boxes or mail to the church office, or give online as you are able in thanks for all the blessings in your life.
2022 Derry Church Keepsake Ornament
October 26, 2022Presenting Derry’s 2022 keepsake ornament handcrafted by blacksmith Mark Smith!
Starting Nov 1, you can purchase ornaments in the church office (ask for Sue George). On Sunday mornings in November, you can buy them in the Narthex. These charming metal tree ornaments are 3″ wide by 4″ high and cost $15 each.
Proceeds fund scholarships for students who attend Presbyterian Education Board schools in Pakistan. Only 150 ornaments have been made, so don’t wait to get yours.

Check Out These Adult Classes
October 26, 20229-10 SUNDAY, OCT 30
Issues Class
Room 7 and streaming on, YouTube and Facebook
Do you have what it takes to build and fly your own airplane? Join Howard Whyte on October 30 as he describes researching, building and flying a full scale 1917 Nieuport 28. The Nieuport 28 was a key component to America’s Aerial Defense in WW1. Learn about this aircraft and how one man recreated this legendary flying machine and flew it to glory.

Bible Study: Women in Matthew’s Genealogy/Tamar
Room 2
The book of Matthew begins with a genealogy of Jesus’ male descendants that includes mention of five women: Tamar, Rahab, Ruth (studied previously), Bathsheba and Mary. Who are these women and why are they included in this genealogy? What can these ancestors of Jesus teach us today? Join Tom Folts, Meara Kwee and friends for the next four weeks in a discussion drawn from the Bible study What My Grandmothers Taught Me by Merryl Blair.
A Day to Celebrate Teresa Hutcheson
Earlier this year, Derry Church’s long-time secretary Teresa Hutcheson announced her retirement, and we’ve set the date to recognize Teresa in worship and celebrate and give thanks for her 23 years of service and ministry among us.
If you’d like, you may bring a card or mail one to the church (248 E. Derry Road, Hershey PA 17033) and we’ll make sure it’s included in the basket of cards she receives that day. The best gift is your presence in worship that day, when you can tell Teresa how much you’ve appreciated all she’s done to support our congregation.
Update: How You Can Help Our Syrian Refugee Family
October 26, 2022Our Syrian refugee family of six is residing temporarily in one of the Love INC Houses of Hope. You can ease their transition to Pennsylvania by reviewing this list, and if you can help fulfill any of these needs, please contact Pete Feil.
- Permanent, affordable three-bedroom home
- 6-passenger vehicle
- Weather station for indoor/outdoor temperatures and weather forecast
- Two-shelf shoe rack, approximately 12″ wide by 36-48″ long
- Food grinder or food processor
- Hot sandwich maker
- Waffle iron
Gently used or new clothing (include a copy of your receipt in case we need to exchange):
- Boy’s tops, tracksuits and sweatshirts size small and medium
- Boy’s pants size 10-12 (25″ waist)
- Boots size 10.5 mens for a 12-year-old boy
- Boy’s size 10-12 (24″ waist)
- Boots size 8 mens for an 11-year-old boy
- Boys size 6-8 clothing
- Boots size 2 for a 6-year-old boy
- Girl’s clothing size small
- Pajamas for all, including warm flannel items for winter
- Men’s heavy duty jacket for warehouse work size large
- Men’s work boots size 10.5 or 10.5W or 11