
Season of Giving: Nov 27-Dec 11

From Nov 27 – the first Sunday in Advent – through Sunday, Dec 11, Derry Church will be giving and receiving! In the upstairs hallway, you will be able to pick up Advent devotionals and drop off items for the food bank, medical supplies for one of our mission partners, and gift cards for racetrack workers and children whose families use the Hershey Food Bank and Community Outreach.

The Season of Giving takes the place of last year’s Derry Drive-Thru and previous years when you could choose tags from the Christmas tree in the downstairs atrium. You won’t see a tree downstairs this year as that space is now being used for fellowship and community. Just pop upstairs to participate in Derry’s Season of Giving!

Last Chance to Sign Up for the Bus Trip to NYC

You can still get a seat on the bus to New York City on Saturday, Nov 19, but don’t wait too long: Oct 30 is the last Sunday to sign up in the Narthex to claim your seat. After that, you can contact Cindy Royer to check on open seats. Then get ready to spend a day on your own in the city doing what you enjoy most: shopping, dining, sightseeing, museums, or all of the above! Cost is $60 for transportation only. Click for details. Questions? Contact Cindy Royer

Learn More About Our Mission Partner, Logos Academy

The Logos Experience provides a closer look at Logos Academy and an opportunity to meet students like Grayson (pictured below). Our first Logos Experience is scheduled for Monday, Nov 7 at 8:30 am. Enjoy a light breakfast with some of Grayson’s classmates, followed by a school tour and a brief presentation. The program concludes promptly at 9:30 am.

Andy Phillips, CEO/Head of School, extends a warm invitation to Derry Church members and friends to attend. Derry has had a significant part in enabling the school to serve our students with a quality and compassionate education in a Christ-centered environment.

Click here to register for the Logos Experience

Oct 2022 Financial Snapshot

Cash Flow – Operating Fund as of 9/30/22

Income YTD:    $995,584       $937,500
Expenses YTD:       849,896         970,457
Surplus/(Deficit) YTD:       145,688         (32,957)

Notes from the treasurer:

  • Contributions are about $82K ahead of 2021 and $51K ahead of estimated contributions through August
  • Mission and Peace is $24K behind 2021. Building & Grounds is about $38K below 2021. We do expect these committees to spend their 2022 budget.

11 Minute Lessons Return on Sunday with “Bible 101” 


Join Pastor Stephen after worship on Sunday as he begins a new series of 11 Minute Lessons: “Bible 101.” Over the next few months, Pastor Stephen will provide answers to basic questions like, “What is the Bible?” “Who Wrote the Bible?” “Why does the Bible often tell stories more than once?” “Why are some Psalms so similar?” There’s a new question each week, and the answers will enlighten and perhaps even surprise you. Don’t miss it!

Help Clean Our Tombstones

As part of our preparation for our 300th anniversary, which involves a massive cemetery restoration, we are looking for volunteers to assist with the cleaning of many of the older tombstones which have been recently repaired and/or reset. The first training date is set for 1:30 pm Friday, Oct 28. This is not a difficult task, but will take some time. Many hands will make light work. If you are interested in volunteering, please contact Kathy Yingst. Thank you for your consideration! 

Safety First: Use the Handrails

The Buildings & Grounds Committee takes the safety of Derry’s members and guests very seriously, and asks all participants in church services, concerts, and activities held in the sanctuary, to use the stairs by the hand rails when stepping up AND stepping down from the chancel. These stairs have been taped with black and yellow tape, similar to that used on the riser by the pulpit. Everyone’s cooperation is greatly appreciated.

Weis Shoppers: Sign Up to Support our Preschool!

If you shop at Weis markets and use their club card, Derry Discovery Days preschool invites you to participate in the Weis4School program, which leverages your grocery shopping dollars to help earn cash for the school of your choice.

Click this link to register: just enter you club card number and in the drop down section, choose Derry Discovery Days. It’s an easy way for our preschool to earn some extra money to purchase supplies and learning materials. Thanks, Derry!

Orange Day is Oct 25

Do you know what Doris Feil would really like for her birthday on Oct 25? For everyone to wear orange! The 25th of each month is the day when we recognize the exploitation of females throughout the world and those working to end it.  

According to the 2021 Trafficking in Persons Report, the number of individuals at risk of trafficking grew during the pandemic and so did the conditions under which traffickers thrive. They capitalized on the reduced capacity and shifting priorities of law enforcement resulting in greater anonymity and impunity to pursue their crimes.
Disruptions to public justice systems and diversion of funds lowered the odds of traffickers’ arrests. Organizations reporting on the increase include Global Initiatives Against Transnational Organized Crime, OSCE/UN, and IOM.

Females make up 71% of all trafficking victims. On Oct. 25 wear orange or an orange ribbon to show support of efforts to end the trafficking.

Derry Church Sends Logos Academy Children on a Field Trip

Logos Academy sends their thanks to Derry Church for sponsoring a recent field trip to Lake Tobias. A number of their students have little idea about the world beyond the city. Seeing animals in the ‘wild’ at a place like Lake Tobias was quite the adventure for many students.  

One of the first graders asked (before the trip) if cows lived in the jungle, which provides some context to the value of an experience like this for city kids. Two students with a fascination for sloths were beyond excited to see one! These siblings, independent of each other,  covered their months in sheer joy of seeing these animals in a natural setting.

Logos Academy is one of Derry Church’s mission partners that strives to provide a whole child, quality and compassionate education in a Christ-centered environment.