
Delicious Meal Planned for Lasses & Lassies Banquet


Ladies and girls, enjoy a dinner made just for you: vegetable and cheese tray (appetizer), chicken breast au jus, baked ziti with red or alfredo sauce, mixed vegetables, roll and butter, light dessert, coffee/tea and cold beverage. If you prefer a gluten-free or vegetarian option, notify the person when you purchase your ticket. Following the meal, “Who Is She? Women of the Bible” fashion show will be presented.

Price is $15 for adults, $6 for children 6-12 and free for children 5 and under. Tickets will be available by Apr 17, with ticket purchase deadline on May 1.

Derry Church has a new van!

Ready for youth trips, Derry Day Trippers and small groups, this vehicle can accommodate up to 12 passengers. Thanks to the Building & Grounds Committee for doing comparison shopping and finding a new vehicle at a time when they are so hard to get!

Susquehanna Chorale Sings at Derry Church

“Legacy: A Celebration in Song,” the Susquehanna Chorale’s spring concert, will be presented at 8 pm Friday, May 13 in the Sanctuary. Program highlights include sacred motets, early American hymns, love songs, and African-American spirituals. Participating Derry Church singers include Greg Harris and Janice Click Holl. A second performance will be given at 4 pm Sunday, May 15 at High Center, Parmer Hall at Messiah University. Read more.

Welcome Kathy Yingst as our New Administrative Assistant 

Kathy Yingst

Derry member Kathy Yingst has been hired to serve as our new Administrative Assistant. We are blessed that Kathy knows the church, its history, and its members well, and she will be a welcome addition to the office staff. Kathy has years of experience managing an office and is familiar with our equipment and software. She will also serve as Sandy’s backup for payroll and other financial matters because of her knowledge and experience working with office finances.

Kathy will continue to serve as Clerk of Session. There is a lot of crossover between the Administrative Assistant position and the Clerk’s duties, so this arrangement will streamline some of that work. Kathy’s first day is Monday, April 25 and she will be in the office 8:30 am – 4:30 pm Monday through Friday.

Note of Thanks from Pastor Marie

Pastor Marie receives a standing ovation at the conclusion of the 10:30 am service on Sunday, March 27, 2022.

Wow! My heart is overflowing with gratitude in your outpouring of love on my last Sunday. Thanks to everyone…from the choir’s beautiful anthems at both morning services, buffalo-checked attire that brought smiles and delights, Derry Ringers’ wonderful preludes, Grant’s ‘Country Road’ postlude (WV anthem), Derry Brass’ ‘Sweet Caroline’ prelude, and Ryan Yingst’s ‘Carolina in my Mind’ Tarheel anthem. AND that’s just the music. Loretta’s epic receptions (plural) were fabulous, beautiful, and delicious and included my favorites (even NC Cheerwine punch (no worries, it’s a soda!) and homemade, chocolate buffalo cookies! Thanks to the gifted army of hardworking kitchen volunteers who were there all day. 

The gift of the St. Matthew stained glass window in my honor is overwhelming to me. I am touched beyond words by your generosity and love. The baptism painting by Jill Peckelun and the hand woven scarf by Sandy Morales are treasured symbols of your love as well as the many gift cards from the Personnel committee. Even better were the words by people and puppets and the multitude of personal cards and gifts. Thanks to Sue and the tech crew for live streaming that enabled more family and friends to join in this celebration. I am humbled and touched with gratitude in this transition to retirement. 

It’s been a joy to serve as one of your pastors at Derry over these last years. At retirement the relationship between pastor and congregation changes. However, the relationships and friendships do not end, but my role as one of your pastors does. We know in the Presbyterian church, it is helpful that I absent myself from Derry worship services and activities for this season of transition. I will not be available to officiate at weddings, baptisms, or funerals for Derry members. Yet my love and prayers continue for each one. Brad and I are grateful for the gift of friendships in the Derry Church family.

From Brad: Oh Derry, you have pulled out all the stops for a most memorable celebration. You even exceeded Marie’s wish for a pony! One of the great joys of my 18 retirement years has been the privilege of sharing in the worship, ministry and mission life of Derry Church. I am so thankful to you for adopting me into the Derry family. For your support, partnership, affection and care for Marie across these years I am especially grateful. Thank you.

Media Links: Watch Marie’s final worship service and the 3 pm program on March 27. Click to see photos from the day of celebration… click here to see the pictures included in Pastor Marie’s slide show.

Giving is Now as Easy as Sending a Text Message to 844-917-3359

In addition to online giving, using church envelopes, or dropping cash in the offering boxes at church,  Derry now offers a third way to make a donation: by text messaging. Here’s how it works:

Open the texting app on your device. In the “To” bubble, enter 844-917-3359. In the “Message” bubble, enter the amount you wish to donate and press send. You will receive a registration link in return. Click the link and enter your contact and payment information, then tap “Process.”

After registration is complete, you’ll receive a verification text as well as a receipt via email. For future giving, simply send a text with the amount you wish to give and it will process automatically. Click here to download a quick-reference guide.

New Member Classes Begin May 1

The spring series of New Member Discovery Classes will be held 9-10 am Sundays, May 1-22 in the John Elder Classroom. Child care is available.

Those who choose to join Derry Church will be received on Sunday, May 29 at the 10:30 am service. Registration is always appreciated, never required: RSVP by Wednesday, Apr 27.

Easter Breakfast: Eat in or Take Out!


Whether you join in person or take out, don’t miss Derry’s traditional Easter breakfast this year. Chef Charlie Koch and friends are serving egg casserole, sausage, fruit, muffins and cinnamon rolls & beverage, with a suggested donation of $10 per meal or $25 per family. All proceeds support the Bridges to Community mission trip in June going to the Dominican Republic.

Derry’s Pipe Organ Showcased in Industry Publication

THE DIAPASON is an international journal devoted to the organ, harpsichord, carillon and church music, and the March 2022 cover story features none other than Derry Church’s Aeolian-Skinner organ. Stop by the church office to see the publication. Click the image to read the article.

Love INC of Greater Hershey Seeks Part-Time Parsonage Ministry Manager

Are you looking for a position that combines leadership with the ability to have a positive impact on individuals during some of their most challenging days? The Parsonage Ministry Manager provides the day-to-day leadership for the Love INC Parsonage Ministry. The Parsonages provide a home-away-from-home for loved ones of adult inpatients of the Hershey Medical Center. Learn more and apply online.


As of Mar 29, Derry’s Matching Campaign has raised $71,500 for Ukraine Relief!

The One Great Hour of Sharing Campaign has raised $7.213, with this offering being received on Easter Sunday, Apr 17. The Mission & Peace Committee has set a goal of $18,000: click here to give online.

March 2022 session highlights

  • The Treasurer reported that contributions are ahead of budget expectations with spending in line with this time last year. Also reported was that our campaign for Ukraine relief has raised more than $31,500. With the addition of the $25,000 in matching funds, more than $56,500 has been donated.
  • The session reviewed area hospitalizations and Covid positivity and incident rates. In light of the downward trend in all areas and that our community is in a low rate category, the Session voted to make face masks optional at the church effective immediately. Face masks will continue to be required for those caring for children under five years of age, and anyone is always free to choose to wear a mask at any church event.
  • Approved the request from the Building & Grounds Committee to obtain architectural specifications for safety upgrades to the interior Chapel bell tower, a new stairway between the rear parking lot and the lower Mansion Road building entrance, and gutter and downspout repairs to direct roof runoff away from the building.
  • The Building & Grounds Committee also submitted a Capital Procurement Requisition to restore all remaining stained glass windows in need and to protect seven basement windows along the back of the church with safety glass. The cost of the project is approximately $40,230 to be funded through the Stained Glass Window Restricted Fund.  This proposal will be reviewed by Derry’s committees and voted upon at the Session’s April meeting.
  • At the Maundy Thursday service, the children in the sacraments class will be permitted to assist with serving communion with their parents’ help.
  • Teresa Hutchison submitted her retirement request, which the session accepted with grace and gratitude for her 24 years of faithful service. An updated position description for the Administrative Assistant position was reviewed and approved. The open position will be posted internally.
  • Approved a recommendation from the Personnel Committee to increase the hourly wage of the Church Custodian position from $17 to $20 due to market conditions.
  • Derry’s Active Membership roll will be updated to delete the names of individuals who have moved, have not been active at Derry for a period of two years or more, or who are attending other churches.