Holiday Schedule Changes
December 22, 2021- No 8 am worship or KIWI on Dec 26
- No 11-Minute Lessons on Dec 26 and Jan 2
- No Tech Time on Monday, Dec 27
- Church office closed Monday & Tuesday, Dec 27 & 28
- No evening worship on Tuesday, Dec 28 or Jan 4
- No eNews next Thursday, Dec 30: newsletter returns Jan 6, 2022
- Church school and youth group resumes Sunday, Jan 9
- Kids In Christ Club resumes Tuesday, Jan 11
2022 Lend-A-Hand Work Trip
December 22, 2021
This fall 12 volunteers helped repair four occupied homes damaged by Hurricanes Mathew (2016) and Florence (2018), but there is more work to be done to help families devastated by storm damage. For a trip application, to make a donation, or for more information go to or call 717-731-8888. Cost of the Jan trip is $175, which includes room, board, and transportation.
Epiphany is Coming… and so are Star Gifts!
December 22, 2021Come to worship at 8 or 10:30 am on Epiphany Sunday, Jan 2 to worship and to choose a star gift for 2022! Baskets of stars will be at the Chapel and Sanctuary entrances. Choose a star gift and reflect on that word for the coming year. Take it home and hang it up where you can see it every day. Ponder what significance this word might have in your life, and how God might be speaking to you through that simple message.

Where Do Your Mission Gifts Go? One Place is Stop the Violence
December 22, 2021On Dec 16, members of Derry Church’s Mission & Peace Committee visited Stop the Violence (STV) to deliver gift cards, hats and mittens, toys, and canned food that was collected at the Dec 5 drive-thru. This long-time mission partner is a Harrisburg non-profit dedicated to providing counseling for women of domestic violence, as well as food, clothing, gifts, and school supplies to community residents in need.
Stop the Violence, led by Rev. Mim Harvey, offers many outreach projects and programs including:
- A back-to-school drive that provides children with new backpacks and school supplies
- Thanksgiving turkey baskets – more than 120 – for families in need. STV also provided food to three other local churches with needy families.
- Deliveries of soup, crackers, and homemade cookies to elderly people to spread love and brighten spirits.
- New coats, toys, and food to 100+ children so that they could have a joyful and warm holiday season. Santa also visited the children on a fire truck!
- A shelter in Steelton that currently houses three people. The shelter has recently been renovated but still requires some additional care. STV has asked for a new fence to ensure the safety of the children living there, flower boxes to beautify the location, and children’s play equipment (playhouse, swings, etc) to make the shelter not only safe, but a nice place to live.
- A food bank (open twice a month) that also fulfills emergency calls for food and supplies.
- Encouraging and assisting members of the community with COVID vaccines.
December 2021 Financial Snapshot
December 15, 2021Cash Flow – Operating Fund as of 11/30/21
Income YTD: | $1,117,244 | $1,145,833 |
Expenses YTD: | 1,051,494 | 1,209,421 |
Surplus/(Deficit) YTD: | 65,750 | (63,588) |
Notes from the treasurer:
- Contributions are about $45K behind 2020, but contributions have been variable in the second half of the year
- Committee spending generally in line with or under budget.
- Cash flow at 11/30 is $35K behind last year
Christmas Joy Offering
December 15, 2021This month and on Christmas Eve, Derry Church is receiving the Christmas Joy Offering, a cherished Presbyterian tradition since the 1930s. Half of what’s received this year will be given to Church World Services Lancaster to aid in the resettlement of Afghan refugees in our area. Many families have already been resettled in the area with nothing but the clothes on their back. CWS needs our support to help these families start life again here in Central Pennsylvania.
The remaining half will benefit the Assistance Program of the Board of Pensions and Presbyterian-related schools and colleges equipping communities of color. The Assistance Program provides critical financial support to church workers and their families. Presbyterian-related schools and colleges provide education and leadership development while nurturing racial and ethnic heritage. This has been a Presbyterian commitment for nearly 140 years.
Support the Christmas Joy Offering by giving online or writing checks payable to Derry Church and noting “Christmas Joy” on the memo line. Thanks, Derry!

Presbyterians Impacted By and Responding to Weekend Tornado Outbreak
December 15, 2021The catastrophic destruction of Mayfield, Kentucky is one of the harrowing stories the Rev. Jim Kirk, Associate for National Disaster Response for Presbyterian Disaster Assistance (PDA), heard about over the weekend following a severe weather outbreak that impacted nearly a dozen presbyteries Friday night and early Saturday morning.
“There’s an incredible number of people who have been displaced, because their home has either been heavily damaged or destroyed,” Kirk said. “So, sheltering is going to be a significant need. This will be an event that will require a long-term response for the rebuilding — just an incredible amount of emotional, spiritual care needs, given the number of fatalities and injuries.” Read more and give generously to PDA through Derry Church.
NEW! Noontime Organ Recitals in the Sanctuary Begin Jan 4
December 15, 2021
12:00-12:30 PM TUESDAYS, JAN 4, 11, 18 & 25 IN THE SANCTUARY
Just as every organ is unique, every organist makes an instrument sound slightly different. Come and enjoy a series of noontime organ recitals every week in January, beginning on Jan 4 with Shawn Gingrich, Director of Music at First United Methodist Church, Hershey. In coming weeks you can look forward to hearing Eric Riley, Dan Dorty, and Grant Wareham play Derry’s Aeolian-Skinner Op. 1132.
Read This if You Use Derry Church’s Online Giving Portal
December 15, 2021Thank you for using Derry Church’s convenient online giving platform, Vanco Payment Solutions. The platform has been upgraded recently, so if you have not visited the site for a few months, you will need to refresh your account by adding your payment preferences (credit card/bank ACH). When you complete this task, the site will update your account and you will be able make changes to any scheduled payments.
This helpful guide can assist you through this process. If you have questions as you update your information, you’re welcome to reach out to Sandy Miceli (717-533-9667) for assistance.
If you are making a change to your pledge for 2022, you will need to will need to apply that adjustment in your Vanco account. Thank you for your ongoing support to Derry Presbyterian Church.
Note of Thanks
December 15, 2021To the church family of Derry Presbyterian Church, thank you so much for your generous investment in our students by covering the cost of the field trip to the Oakes Museum at Messiah University. Your generosity enabled our students to enjoy an enriching experience learning about bears, big cats, and other animals in North American and African habitats. For many of our students, this was the first time to ride on a bus or cross “the river.” They were truly mesmerized by that experience, before we even arrived at the museum. Your partnership with Logos Academy Harrisburg over these last several years has been so very encouraging. Your investment is a significant part of what enables us to provide a quality, Christ-centered, private school education for our students, many of whom would never have such an opportunity. Andy Phillips, CEO/Head of School, Logos Academy Harrisburg

Susquehanna Chorale Presents “A Candlelight Christmas” Concert
The Susquehanna Chorale honors the sacred mystery of the season with Gustav Holst’s “Let All Mortal Flesh Keep Silence,” Egil Hovland’s “The Glory of the Father,” and Matthew Culloton’s “In Dulci Jubilo.” Other musical treats include a new work by Dan Forrest commissioned for the Chorale’s 40th anniversary, Mack Wilburg’s “Christmas is Coming” and Gordon Langford’s “Jingle Bells.” Two of our Sanctuary Choir members sing with the Chorale: look for Greg Harris and Janice Click Holl in this premier 39-member ensemble.
Join a Mission Trip to the Dominican Republic in June 2022
December 15, 2021Make your plans now to join Derry members from June 11-19, 2022, as they return to the Dominican Republic with Bridges to Community to build a new home and do Bible school activities. Those aged 14 or 15 must be accompanied by a parent/guardian.
All participants MUST have proof of full vaccination prior to the trip. Cost of the trip is $1,300, a special re-introductory price. Application and full payment are due by March 6, 2022. Oak Fund grants to cover up to half the cost are available.
Sign up on the Mission and Peace bulletin board in the Narthex near the nursery. For more information, contact Pete Feil.