Winter Golf League
November 3, 2021Too cold for golf? Not for Derry Church’s Winter Golf League! Gregg Robertson, Greg Poland, Pete Feil and Peter Gawron hit the links on Nov 2 despite some rain, temperatures in the 50’s and wind. They felt like they were playing in Scotland! Those interested in playing can email Gregg Robertson. There are no set dates to play. This group keeps an eye on the weather and puts together a foursome or two when the forecast looks favorable.

PW Thank Offering Brings Hope Around the World: Story #1
November 3, 2021Since 1888, Presbyterian Women’s Thank Offering has distributed more than $27 million in the U.S. and around the world.
Out of the 29 applications received, 12 projects were chosen for funding this year. As required, over 40% of the projects are related to health ministries. Read about two of the 2021 Thank Offering recipients:
The Holston Presbytery Camp and Retreat Center and Nature Preschool
Avery County, North Carolina, is an area whose residents have a significant need for preschool and after-school programming. The rural, mountainous region offers few job opportunities beside the seasonal work for tourists. Therefore, many families are forced to find work “off the mountain,” which requires them to find suitable childcare. The $10,000 Thank Offering grant will help provide working families with a quality and affordable option for their children. The Nature Preschool offers young ones transformational experiences of education, outdoor recreation, and spiritual refreshment.
Frontera de Cristo Douglas, AZ and Agua Prieta, Sonora, Mexico
This program supports families with students who are in danger of dropping out of school and need supplemental support in one of the most impoverished communities of Agua Prieta, Sonora, Mexico. The $27,000 Thank Offering grant will create a safe, educational space and implement a program to strengthen the children’s academic, social, emotional and spiritual development. Parents enrolled in the program will receive training in food cultivation, nutritious cooking and conflict resolution.
Please give generously to the Thank Offering so that we can continue to provide for the needs of others at home and around the world. Give online or make checks payable to Derry Church notated “Thank Offering” and mail to the church or drop in the collection boxes.
Derry Church Hires Artist-in-Residence in Choral Arts
October 27, 2021
Derry Church is delighted to welcome Eric Riley as Artist-in-Residence in Choral Arts. Eric will work with the choir and provide mentorship for Grant Wareham.
When Grant was hired last year, we said we would provide an opportunity for Grant to study under an established director who could serve as a teacher and mentor as Grant grows into the role of Director of Music Ministry. It wasn’t possible to offer that opportunity during the pandemic. Dan Stokes has ended his time working at Derry and we are incredibly grateful for Dan’s service, leadership, music, and friendship as he moves into retirement and other opportunities.
We look forward to having Eric share his gifts and passions for choral music with the choir and congregation at Derry Church.
Eric Riley was appointed Artistic Director of the Wheatland Chorale (Lancaster) in 2012. He recently retired as Artist in Residence at St. Matthew Evangelical Lutheran Church in York, and before that, he served nine years as the organist and director of music at Harrisburg’s Market Square Presbyterian Church.
Eric graduated from Syracuse University School of Music with a degree in organ performance, and later earned his Master’s in Music from the Scarritt Graduate School of Vanderbilt University. Eric is an accomplished conductor and organist who has led programs across the country and in Europe.
Eric lives in Hummelstown with his wife Christine, who sings alto in the Wheatland Chorale. He begins work at Derry Church on Nov 1 and will be present in worship on Sunday, Nov 7.
Introducing our Children’s Ministry Coordinator
October 27, 2021
M.E. Steelman has served as our transitional children’s coordinator since 2018, and last week the Session voted to make her a permanent member of the church staff. We are delighted to introduce M.E. as Derry Church’s Children’s Ministry Coordinator!
In this role, M.E. provides leadership for our children’s ministry programs through fifth grade, including faith-based education, fellowship, worship, and mission — all with the goal of supporting their daily lives and equipping children and their families as they grow in faith and discipleship.
Organ Demo with Grant Wareham
You’ve heard the Aeolian-Skinner organ play … now find out how it works! In this brief demo you’ll learn the four basic kinds of pipes, how wind pressure is regulated, and how the organist puts everything together, as well as why wooden louvers are so crucial to the organ sounding the way it does. You’ll also learn about the basics of designing an organ, and the practical reasons why this organ sounds more rich and full compared with our previous Reuter organ. Bring your questions!
Did You Know You Can Fill Out Your Estimate of Giving Online?
October 27, 2021You can participate in Derry’s 2022 “Growing in Grace and Gratitude” stewardship campaign by returning the Estimate of Giving card you received in the mail, or you can complete the card online. Go to and your 2022 estimate will be securely delivered to Sandy Miceli, our financial/office manager.
If you use online giving and the information you enter represents a change from 2021, please be sure to make adjustments on Derry Church’s online giving site.
Stewardship Sunday is Nov 14 and giving estimates can also be submitted during both worship services that day.
Join the Derry Daytrippers on an Excursion to Longwood Gardens
October 27, 2021
This trip to Longwood Gardens begins in the daylight, then enjoy the beautiful Christmas lights as it gets dark. Cost is $23 per person. Please RSVP to Sue Whitaker, then send or take your check to the church payable to Darry Church and notated Longwood Gardens. Since we have to pay for the tickets in advance, once you sign up you are committed to attend. Payment is due by Nov 7. We hope to see you there!
Thank You, CROP Walkers & Supporters!
October 27, 2021Derry Church participants and supporters have raised $5,060 for the 2021 CROP Walk! All gifts are appreciated and 25% of the total benefits our local food banks in Hershey & Hummelstown. Thank you!

Oct 2021 Financial Snapshot
October 20, 2021
Cash Flow – Operating Fund as of 9/30/21
Income YTD: | $907,914 | $937,500 |
Expenses YTD: | 889,866 | 989,531 |
Surplus/(Deficit) YTD: | 18,048 | (52,031) |
Notes from the treasurer:
- Contributions are about $30k behind 2020 and budget.
- Committee spending generally in line with or under budget.
- Cash flow at 9/30 is about $50k lower than last year.
Provide a Meal for Families Transitioning from Homelessness
October 20, 2021Family Promise of Harrisburg Capitol Region works to transform the lives of families experiencing homelessness. It’s Derry Church’s turn to provide meals for these families staying at 56 Erford Road in Camp Hill during the week of Nov 7-13.
Outdoor Work Days
October 20, 20213-6 PM FRIDAY, NOV 12 • 8 AM-12 PM SATURDAY, NOV 13
Many hands needed to prepare the church grounds for the winter. Bring rakes, wheel barrows and leaf blowers. At least one pick up trip is also needed each day.
Help the Youth Make Cool Christmas-Themed Art with Your Leftover Holiday Magazines
October 20, 2021Do you have any Christmas or winter-themed home & garden magazines to spare? They’re needed for a youth art project that will depict homes and families during the winter months, especially the Christmas season. Drop magazines in the designated basket between the doors at the Mansion Road/office entrance.