Celebration Honoring Loretta Chubb
October 30, 2024
10:30 AM – 12:15 PM SUNDAY, NOV 17
Loretta Chubb served as Derry’s Coordinator of Hospitality Ministries for the past 15 years. She retired last month and now her Derry Church family is throwing HER a well-deserved party! Loretta will be recognized during the 10:30 am service on Sunday, Nov 17, and the reception following will be given in her honor. If you’d like to help with the festivities, contact Amanda Bentley.
Cards for Loretta can be brought with you that day or mailed to Derry Church, 248 E. Derry Rd, Hershey PA 17033. Write “Loretta” beneath your return address label to make it easy to sort cards from the regular church mail.
Register for the 2025 Women’s Retreat

Women of Derry Church, you’re invited to a weekend getaway for fellowship and spiritual renewal! Derry’s own Rev. Nancy Joiner Reinert will lead the retreat centered on the theme “God, the Master Gardener.” As we gather as a community of women, our hopes are to appreciate the infinite expanse of ongoing creation, consider what creation spirituality looks like, experience the gifts of nature, design spiritual practices, ponder where those practices may lead us, and grow in relationship with each other through study of scripture, conversation, and worship experiences of awe, sorrow, gratitude, wisdom and praise.
Cost for two nights’ lodging and four meals is $280/person single occupancy, $225 double occupancy, and $180 triple/quad occupancy. Or attend Saturday only for $50/person. Our group will stay in a lodge that sleeps 30 and requires a short outdoor walk to get to the dining room.
Oct 2024 Session Highlights
October 30, 2024- At the Oct 13 congregational meeting, new elders, deacons, and nominating committee members were elected. Elders: Bobbie Atkinson, Bill Alexander, Peggy Ladd, Kathy McGrath, Lynn Shirk & Matt Smoluk. Deacons: Courtney Garcia, Lynn Porter, Emily Spingler, Julie Harris, & Twila Ziviello. Nominating: Suzie Gloeckler, Heidi Keene, Chris Cooper & Sara Matthews.
- At its October meeting, the Session reviewed Derry’s year-to-date financial report. The Stewardship & Finance Committee also shared a letter from independent accountants, Boyer & Ritter reporting on their recent review of Derry’s financial records. The review found no evidence of mismanagement or fraud regarding the financial procedures or records of the church.
- Approved building use requests from:
- Peter Sirotin on behalf of Market Square Concerts for a musical program on March 26, 2025 at 7:30 pm in the Sanctuary – $600 fee plus piano tuning
- Dan Dorty for a rehearsal of the Mt. Gretna Bible Festival Mass Choir on May 4, 2025 in the Sanctuary – no charge
- Carly Wilfong for a Zumba Dance fundraiser for the Four Diamonds fund on Saturday, October 26 in Fellowship Hall – no charge
- Approved a new Wedding Policy, which updates our policies and fees associated with weddings for both members of Derry and non-members.
- The Mission & Peace Committee submitted several motions, all of which were approved:
- November donation drive to collect hats/gloves/scarves, gas cards, & cleaning supplies for the Veterans Village in Harrisburg to coincide with Veterans Day
- To offer English as a Second Language classes in Rooms 1 & 2 beginning Jan 6 through May 12, 2025
- Hold a soup and bake sale on Tuesday, Nov 5 (election day) to benefit the ESL program
- December donation drive for the annual Giving Tree items: $25 Walmart gift cards and hats/scarves/gloves for all ages
- Fundraisers for Friends of Sargodha to benefit Pakistan scholarships: Greeting cards, ornament sale, Shares for Scholarships, March Mission Madness
- The Session approved a Capital Procurement Requisition submitted by Building & Grounds in an amount not to exceed $25,000 to repair/paint drywall in the Pastor’s office, remove the 30-year-old carpet in the office suite, library, elevator and steps to the upper level, and install new carpet tiles in those areas. On September 22 a sewer line back up damaged Pastor Stephen’s office and portions of the office suite. As a result, drywall and carpeting was removed and discarded. Renovations are underway to repair the damaged areas and carpet installation is scheduled for early November.
- Reviewed and approved the lease of 275 Mansion Road to Cory Earl for a one-year lease term beginning Nov 1 at a monthly rental of $1,600 and a security deposit of $1,600. At the end of the lease term the lease converts to a month-to-month term.
- Approved presenting an offer of employment to Summer Hakkinen as Finance Director beginning on November 1
PW Thank Offering: Recipient #1
October 30, 2024You will be enriched in every way for your great generosity, which will produce thanksgiving to God through us; for the rendering of this ministry not only supplies the needs of the saints but also overflows with many thanksgivings to God. Corinthians 9:11-12
Each year Presbyterian Women and Friends heed the call of Paul to “supply the need of the saints” through giving to the Thank Offering. This grant program allocates 40% of the funds to health related ministries. Of the eight grants this year, six serve people in the United States and two are international.
From the Synod of Lakes and Prairies on the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation, Waniyetu Consulting empowers young mothers by providing teaching and direction for their role as a parent. This grant will fund a program to bring back the Welcoming of the Baby ceremony, one of the oldest and most significant ceremonies in Lakota culture. During the ceremony, young mothers are taught the traditions of protecting the baby’s fontanel from harm or sickness and the sacred connection to walking in balance. This ceremony provides an opportunity to teach parenting skills such as nutrition, nurturing baby care and healthy relationships. A Lakota elder will speak about their traditions, connecting generations and the sacredness of caring for the child.
The scriptural passage tells us that we must give in a way that honors God, plain and simple. Everything belongs to God first. As we receive more blessings in life, we are more able to give generously. We are blessed to be a blessing to others.
Your gifts will bless many others. You may use the offering envelopes in the pew racks, give online or mail donations to the church office. Make checks payable to “PW Thank Offering.” Thank you for your generosity.
Worship at Londonderry Village
Pastor Stephen will lead worship with communion, prayers, a meditation and carol singing. A time of fellowship follows the service. The Prime Timers have been invited to participate.
Oct 2024 News from Presbyterian Women
October 23, 2024PW National Book Discussion:Searching for Savanna by Mona Gable. Join on Zoom at 6:30 pm Monday, Nov 11. The book tells the story of the murder of an indigenous woman in 2017 and past treatment of others.
Orange Day is Friday, Oct 25, when Presbyterian Women highlight the exploitation worldwide of females and work being done to end it. One of the recipients of the Thank Offering will be Peace Promise in Camp Hill, which offers advocacy, education and economic empowerment to survivors of sexual exploitation and human trafficking in the Harrisburg area. They have two social enterprises: Good Ground Coffee Company and Soaps by Survivors, which employ these women and offer mentoring and on-the-job training. Wear orange or and orange ribbon Friday, Oct 25 to show support, and patronize the businesses when in Camp Hill.
Office Suite Takes the Brunt of Church Plumbing Problem
October 23, 2024
Amid all the fun and excitement of Derry’s big anniversary weekend in September, a blocked pipe caused a big plumbing problem in the office suite. Pastor Stephen’s office and bathroom, being the lowest point, suffered the greatest impact. Our stellar Building & Grounds committee and maintenance team got to work. Charlie and Marilyn Koch have been replacing drywall and sanding and finishing the walls. Rooms will be painted and plans are underway to replace 30-year-old carpeting in the office suite and atrium library. Thanks to everyone who has pitched in to help, and for the staff’s fortitude in bearing with the upheaval.
New carpeting will be installed Nov 15-18. The church office will be closed Friday, Nov 15.
Derry Church has a second Zoom Room!
October 23, 2024
The double-screen setup was installed last week in Room 2 to expand our options for hybrid meeting space, which has been in high demand by many groups and committees. Contact the church office if you’d like to schedule a meeting in Room 2 (or in any room at the church).
Ways You Can Support our Tiny Home Veterans
October 23, 2024In honor of Veterans Day, donations of bathroom cleaning products, paper goods (toilet paper, paper towels), and Sheetz and WaWa gift cards are being collected by the Mission and Peace committee for the Veterans Outreach of Pennsylvania (VOPA), where Derry Church sponsored the building of a tiny home for homeless veterans in Harrisburg. Drop donations in the VOPA bin in Derry’s Mission Closet (lower level) by Sunday, Nov 10. For more information, contact Ashley Shields.
A Reminder from Nurse Beckie: Get Your Flu Shot
October 23, 2024It is almost the end of October, but it is not too late to get your flu shot. The CDC recommends that everyone age six months and older get a yearly flu shot. The shot can be given anytime during flu season beginning in September, however, the earlier the better.
After getting the shot, it takes an average of two weeks for immunity to occur. A flu shot helps protect from getting the flu, or if you do get it, decreases severity of the illness. It can also prevent hospitalizations and associated illnesses, especially in the elderly.
Most health insurance plans cover the cost of the flu shot as preventive care. Flu vaccination is also offered to the public at either low or no cost to those with no health insurance. People with an egg allergy may now get the vaccine.
If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to contact Nurse Beckie or your health care provider.
Wash your hands and say your prayers because Jesus and germs are everywhere!
Post-Worship Fellowship: What You Need to Know
October 17, 2024- The host for each Sunday is expected to be in the kitchen by 10 am to complete any final setup that’s required. There may be some instructions on the kitchen counter from Amanda, our Hospitality Coordinator.
- The host is responsible for pouring drinks, greeting folks and getting to know other members and guests following the 10:30 am service.
- The host should refill drink pitchers as needed.
- Cleanup involves returning all food and drink items to the kitchen counter, and refrigerating any items that require refrigeration.
- Do not bring any food items with you unless you have made arrangements in advance with Amanda. You can call or text her at 717-395-3461.
Everyone is welcome to be a host: individuals, families, groups, Shepherd Groups, friends! Be sure to sign up on the volunteer portal so we know who to expect that day. Or you can call Kathy Yingst at the church office (717-533-9667) and she will sign you up.
If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to contact me. Remember, you do not have to bring or make anything, just show up and be a great host!
Karen Carns, Chair
Membership Connections
Bake Some Treats for Derry’s First-Ever Election Day Bake Sale
October 17, 2024Derry bakers, donate your favorite sweet creations to Derry’s first-ever Election Day bake sale. Your efforts will support a new initiative from the Mission & Peace Committee: English as a Second Language classes that will begin early next year at Derry Church.
Drop off individually wrapped baked goods on Sunday, Nov 3 or Monday, Nov 4. The bake sale will take place on Tuesday morning in the atrium library and hallway leading to Room 7, and include soup made by Amanda Bentley, our hospitality coordinator. Questions? Contact Jane Robertson.