Help Repair Flood-Damaged Homes in North Carolina Nov 14-20
October 20, 2021Lend A Hand is taking a work crew to New Bern, NC from Nov 14-20 to help repair flood-damaged homes through Presbyterian Disaster Assistance. Cost of the trip is $175 per person, which covers transportation, food at the site, and lodging. Proof of COVID vaccination is required and masks must be worn for all inside work. Applications available online. Questions? Contact Pete Feil (717-566-8250).
Presbyterian Women October Updates
October 20, 2021- Presbyterian Women observe Orange Day on the 25th of each month to highlight the exploitation of females around the world. This month is focused on Afghanistan and those working to provide escape routes for females and families wanting to leave. “Islamic Rule” gives evidences of hunger, fear, disrespect, non-permission to work, a ban on women in public places, an education ban and dismantling of co-educational institutes, no participation of women in the formation of interim Taliban cabinet, and many more rights violations. These are some of the examples that will make Afghan women suffer more under Taliban rule. On Monday, wear orange or an orange ribbon to show support for the females of Afghanistan and people who are trying to improve the lives of females there.
- Fifty hygiene bags were delivered to the Domestic Violence Center in September. Thanks to everyone who contributed items to fill the bags.
- The Synod PW Mission Project for this year is the prison ministry of Rev. Stanley in Malawi. He serves eight prisons by carrying the work of God, bringing supplies of food, water, soap, and treasured aspirin as well as supplies for infants incarcerated with their mothers. He has also bought coffins and paid for funerals. He needs a truck to haul supplies and prisoners released or in need of medical attention. PW in Derry has sent $700 towards this purchase.
The Children of Derry Give Thanks
October 13, 2021
This colorful 11 x 17″ page has been printed and is being shared with local animal shelters, vet centers, zoo/nature reserves, and those who dedicate their service to animals. The painted animals were created by the children attending Sunday school: they prayed for these people who care for creation as they learned more about the story of Noah’s Ark.
It Takes a Village
October 13, 2021
Taken after the organ recital on Sunday, Oct 10, 2021, this photo shows those instrumental in bringing the Aeolian-Skinner Op. 1132 to Derry Church. Left to right: Nicholas Thompson-Allen, President, A. Thompson-Allen and Co., Grant Wareham, Geoff Johnson, head of Church of the Redeemer organ search committee and husband Damian, and Dan Stokes.
Your Contribution Requested for our “Christmas Tour of Homes Advent Devotional”
October 13, 2021This year’s Advent sermon series imagines how each Gospel writer celebrates Christmas in his own home. We’ll also explore how we celebrate the birth of Jesus in our own lives and homes through music, online discussion groups, and our Advent devotional.
For the 2021 Advent devotional, you’re invited to share a story about a meaningful or faithful tradition, event, or memory about celebrating the Christmas season in your house as a child, youth, or adult. These stories will invite our church family into our homes as we each reflect on how we celebrate the birth of the Savior and what it means for our lives.
Please send your story of 500 words or less to Pastor Stephen by Monday, Nov 15. Include a photo if you have one.
The 2021 Advent Devotional will be available for pickup at our Holiday Drive Thru on Sunday afternoon, Dec 5.
Trunk or Treat on Oct 30
Derry Church is hosting its first Trunk or Treat event for families of the church and the Discovery Days Preschool. Children can come dressed in costumes and trick or treat at various cars and tables set up in the back parking lot. Derry friends, you’re invited to decorate the trunk of your car (or a table) and hand out candy: click here to sign up. If you can’t come that day, you can support the event by providing donations of candy: bring bags to the church office.

NEW! Kids In Christ (K.I.C.) Club
October 13, 20215:45 – 7:15 PM TUESDAYS IN ROOM 7
Kids In Christ (K.I.C.) Club welcomes Derry Church children on Tuesday evenings to participate in creative ministries… fellowship groups, music ensembles (vocal and instrumental) and creation time. This program has a Vacation Bible School vibe where children rotate between classrooms and participate in all three areas of ministry.
K.I.C. Club is open to all children age 4 – 5th grade. Children must be signed in each week in Room 7, and have completed information and medical forms on file with the church. Once children are registered, their adult is free to hang out in the church, attend Tuesday night worship at 6:15 pm, or run a quick errand or two. Children will be dismissed at 7:15 pm from Room 7. MORE

Hope Within Ministries Seeks Director of Development
October 13, 2021Hope Within provides primary health care, counseling and dental care to the uninsured low-income residents of Lancaster, Dauphin and Lebanon Counties. Through the grace and goodness of God, Hope Within is excited to share His love by offering excellent and free primary medical care, cost sliding scale counseling and donation-based dental care via the hands of more than 30 volunteer medical and dental providers, therapists and nurses.
Hope Within is seeking a part time (20 hours per week) Director of Development to enhance its efforts in serving the community. With this position, Hope Within desires to strengthen its relations with current donors and broaden its fundraising efforts, including new major donor cultivation, foundations, grants, special events and capital campaigns. The Director of Development will be responsible for establishing, implementing, and leading a comprehensive development program for Hope Within under the direction of the Executive Director.
Cover letters and resumes should be sent to David F. Sheppard, Jr., CAE (Ret), 924 Palmer Drive, Harrisburg, PA 17112 or by email to
All Women Invited to Join the PW Morning Circle
October 13, 2021
“What My Grandmothers Taught Me: Learning from the Women in Matthew’s Genealogy of Jesus” is the theme for the 2021-22 Presbyterian Women’s Bible study. Face masks may be required.
If you’d like to lead a study group at a different time and place, please contact Doris Feil.
Atrium Library Gets a Makeover
October 13, 2021
One wall of the atrium library received a fresh coat of paint last week as part of a makeover for this well-used, welcoming space
Organ Dedication Sunday, Oct 10
October 7, 2021
The communion table and organ console have been repositioned in preparation for the organ dedication and recital on Sunday, Oct 10. Please note the live stream will launch at 10:15 am and the prelude will begin at 10:20 am as Kathy Yingst, Dan Stokes and Grant Wareham take turns playing our new Aeolian-Skinner. At the end of the service, a congregational meeting will follow the postlude, with voting by Derry members attending in person. The meeting will be live streamed. 8 am worship and Pastor Stephen’s 11-Minute Lessons will return on Sunday, Oct 17.
The peace cranes have also returned to their roost. Thanks to Charlie and Joanne Koch and Josh Pearson for helping the cranes settle back into the rafters. They’ll be in flight until Advent begins.
Officer Elections on Oct 10
October 6, 2021A congregational meeting will follow 10:30 am worship on Oct 10 for the purpose of electing one elder for the class of 2022, six elders and five deacons for the class of 2024, and four church members to serve on the 2022 nominating committee.
These Derry members have accepted nominations:
Elder, class of 2022: Tim Mosher
Elders, class of 2024: Becca Farbaniec, Cindy DeMuth, Tom Kitzmiller, Julie Yutesler, Pam Whitenack and Ryan Bartz
Deacons, class of 2024: Michelle Califf, Dave Hibshman, David Kuntch, Ellen O’Keefe and Susan Hubbell Whyte
2022 Nominating Committee: Lauren Talhelm, Mike Leader, Lee Webber and Jane Robertson