Christian Hope: The Apostle Paul’s Gospel for Today, A Study of 1 Corinthians
You already recognize the importance of faith and love in the Christian life. But what is hope, and how does hope empower believers to face the challenges of the future? Here’s your chance to learn about Christian hope and its significance in a four-week study led by Prof. Charles (Buz) Myers, an ordained Presbyterian minister who teaches Biblical Studies in the Department of Religious Studies at Gettysburg College.
Through a careful consideration of 1 Corinthians, especially the 15th chapter, you will confront the core of the Apostle Paul’s profound message to a church that sounds quite modern. Let the Apostle challenge you to re-examine the roots of your Christian faith and explore the implications that that faith has for the believing community in the 21st century. Find out where the church is headed and what this direction has to say to us today.
- Sept 5: “Who Is Paul, and Who Are the Corinthians? (An Introduction to the Apostle Paul and the Church at Corinth)
- Sept 12: “And You Think Your Church Has Problems!” (1 Corinthians 1-7)
- Sept 19: “Indecent and Out-of-Order: Worship in Corinth” (1 Corinthians 8-14)
- Sept 26: “What Is in Store for Us in the Future?” (1 Corinthians 15-16)
August 2021 Session Highlights
September 1, 2021- Approved baptisms for Cameron Bentley, son of Elia & Brian Bentley and Emmeline McGrath, daughter of Jillian and Ryan McGrath.
- Use of Derry Church was approved for the following events:
- Zumba Gold Fitness Classes beginning Sept 2 in Fellowship Hall on Thursday evenings from 5:30 to 6:15 pm
- Susquehanna Chorale Spring 2022 concert: rehearsal May 2, 2022 5-10 pm and concert May 13, 2022 5-10 pm in the Sanctuary
- Rev. James Smith, Chaplain at Country Meadows, to conduct the marriage of his daughter on Dec 3, 2021 in the Chapel
For all activities, participants must adhere to Derry’s Covid policies.
- Reviewed the Treasurer’s report; contributions are lagging behind last year at this time, spending is in line with budgeted projections.
- Approved hiring Josh Pearson for Derry’s part-time Sexton position.
- Approved donating Derry’s van to Krislund Camp & Conference Center.
- The following motions were passed in light of the Center for Disease Control’s recommendations issued on July 27, 2021 that “everyone in areas with high COVID-19 infection rates wear masks in public indoor spaces, regardless of vaccination status.” Dauphin County is classified as having a high infection rate on the CDC’s COVID Data Tracker.
- Require masks at both indoor services
- Permit continued choral and congregational singing and other musical offerings with masks and social distancing
- Require masks for all indoor gatherings (with a few exceptions for small funeral meals currently scheduled)
- All children’s events (under age 12)
- Postpone the start of Terrific Tuesday events until October 5, 2021
- In addition, the Session approved a policy that strongly encourages all individuals, both staff and volunteers, who work with children age 12 and younger, be vaccinated.
- Called a Congregational Meeting for October 10, 2021 for the purpose of electing new church Elders and Deacons as well as Nominating Committee members.
- Derry’s Active Membership roll will be updated to delete the names of individuals who have moved or have not been active at Derry for a period of two years or more. Attempts have been made to contact these members.
- Boyer & Ritter will be engaged to perform a review of Derry’s 2020 finances and accounting procedures at a cost of $6,600 using the “Agreed Upon Procedure” method.
Texters, Thanks for Your Feedback!
September 1, 2021Last week the Communications & Technology Committee sent a short survey to the 74 people who receive text alerts from Derry Church. The results are in and based on those responses, we’ll now be sending a link by text to the weekly eNews, alerts when a Derry member has passed away, and reminders to sign up for events — in addition to the regular Saturday night notification and any last-minute updates or schedule changes. Click here to sign up for text alerts. Send any additional feedback to Sue George.
Bethesda Mission Invites You to its Annual Celebration Banquet
Bethesda Mission has witnessed the goodness of God in a year of uncertainty, trials, and fear. Despite all of the difficulties of the past year, God has continued to change the lives and hearts of His people through Bethesda Mission. It is because of donors and supporters like you that Bethesda Mission can be sustained.
This annual event is crucial for sustaining the life-changing ministry of Bethesda Mission. Please give prayerful consideration to the gift you will give, even if you are unable to attend the celebration. This event kicks off our last quarter of the year in which 40% of their annual giving is received.
Chicken BBQ Fundraiser Benefits Hope Within
Support Hope Within, one of our mission partners, by placing your order for a chicken barbecue meal that includes a half chicken, baked potato, roll, applesauce and beverage ($13).
Note of Thanks
September 1, 2021I would like to thank my Derry Church family for your prayers, phone calls, and flowers as my broken arm recovers. All’s well. Simon and Patsy Yingst.
Well Done, Ryan!
September 1, 2021Ryan Hosenfeld, Life Scout from Derry Church’s Troop 200, recently completed his Eagle Scout project by building and installing a Little Free Library in Gelder Park. The library, located next to the playground, has a collection of books for all ages. Community members are invited to donate books to the library, and take books of interest.
Bring Your Backpack for a Blessing
August 25, 202110:30 AM SUNDAY, AUG 29 IN THE SANCTUARY
All students, teachers, coaches, Sunday School teachers & helpers, fellowship leaders and school leaders are invited to bring their backpacks or bags to be blessed for the upcoming school year. A special tag has been created for you to carry with you always. These tags will remind you that you are loved and prayed for and never alone.
Share Your Faith with the Children of Derry Church
August 25, 2021You’re invited to join the 2021-22 Sunday School Team! Children’s classes will be held 9 -10:15 am Sundays beginning Sept 19.
Each Sunday School classroom has a teacher and an adult helper. A semester schedule is shared with the team and you pick which date(s) and classroom are the best fit for your schedule. All adults must have their clearances up to date and on file with the church and must also complete our Safe Children Training Course.
Teaching or helping in a Sunday School classroom is an awesome way to help the children of the church learn that you value your faith and relationship with God.
For those who enjoy working with Derry’s youngest children (ages two and three), volunteer opportunities are available on Sunday mornings in the church nursery starting at 9 am.
Contact ME Steelman to join the Sunday School Team or to help out in the nursery.
Serve Dinner at the Racetrack
Volunteers are needed to serve a buffet-style dinner for about 40 back-of-the-track workers. Dessert donations would be appreciated and can be brought to the church kitchen on Sunday, Aug 29.
Meet 5 pm at the track for setup, with food service beginning at 5:30 pm. Softball and volleyball will be set up for use.
Contact Marilyn Koch to donate dessert or if you’d like a ride: meet 4:30 pm at Derry Church.
On Sept 11 Find Out About Confirmation
Youth in grades 8 and 9 are invited to learn more about what it means to be a Presbyterian and, specifically, what it is to be a member of Derry Presbyterian Church. Older youth who have not yet been confirmed are welcome to participate. Contact Pastor Pam for more information.
Call For 2022 General Assembly Commissioners
August 25, 2021The 225th General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church (USA) will convene over a three-week period, from Friday, June 17-Saturday, July 9, 2022.
Is God calling you to apply to be a commissioner to the General Assembly from Carlisle Presbytery?
This is a unique opportunity to participate in discerning the will of Christ for our denomination at this time of immense change and uncertainty. Those who serve as commissioners will engage with Presbyterians from across our nation (and around the world) to contemplate, converse, and comment on topics central to the life and witness of the PCUSA!
Building on the all on-line General Assembly of 2020, the format of the assembly in 2022 will be hybrid. Commissioners will attend in-person committee meetings, held at the Presbyterian Center in Louisville, on a rotating schedule. The worship and plenary sessions of the General Assembly will take place entirely online (July 5-9) with commissioners and advisory delegates attending from home.
Those elected by their presbyteries to serve as commissioners are asked to place a tentative hold on their calendars from June 17-July 9, 2022, until committee assignments are made (by late February 2022). Once assignments are made, participants may clear any days their assigned committee will not be meeting. All commissioners and advisory delegates are expected to attend the worship and plenary sessions scheduled during the week of July 5-9. See the full docket here.
This is a very different General Assembly experience. It reflects the calling of our denomination to live into the fullness of being the church in the 21st century. As the assembly convenes around the theme From Lament to Hope, commissioners will be guided by values integral to our identity and embrace creativity and openness, so that the PCUSA may be more fully inclusive, flexible and faithful.
The Nominating Committee of the Presbytery of Carlisle is seeking to identify two Ministers of Word and Sacrament, two Ruling Elders, and one Young Adult Advisory Delegate (between the ages of 18 and 25) to serve with energy, intelligence, imagination and love! These nominees will be brought to the presbytery for election at the Dec 7 Stated meeting of the presbytery. We ask that pastors prayerfully consider this opportunity and that Sessions spread the word among those who are ordained ruling elders in your congregation (they do not have to be actively serving on the Session).
Nominees are identified through an application process. Click here for an application form and more information about GA expectations. Those who wish to be considered must submit their application to the Nominating Committee by October 15, 2021. Applications may be emailed to or mailed to 2601 N. Front St., Suite 107, Harrisburg PA 17110. Please note that the application must be endorsed by your Session or (in the case of ministers at-large or serving in a validated ministry) by a committee of the Presbytery.
In addition to the time parameters described above, commissioners and advisory delegates are expected to engage in preparation, including learning how the GA process works, attending orientation sessions, becoming familiar with the technology to be used, and reading advance materials, in order to be able to actively participate in all assembly responsibilities. After the assembly, commissioners are asked to communicate and interpret the actions of the General Assembly back to the presbytery.
To learn more about the application process or if you have questions about the plans for the forthcoming General Assembly, please contact Cheryl Galan, Interim Executive Presbyter or Donna Wenger, chair of the Nominating Committee.