Helping Hands at Logos Academy
June 17, 2021
New Member Classes Begin Next Month
June 10, 202111:30 AM-12:30 PM SUNDAYS: JUL 18, JUL 25, AUG 1 & AUG 8 IN THE LOUNGE
Learn more about the mission and ministry of Derry Church in a series of hour-long classes offered after 10:30 am worship on Sunday mornings. Those who decide to join will be received on Sunday, Aug 8. Questions? Need child care? Contact Pastor Marie.
CLICK TO REGISTER (always appreciated, never required)
Meal Train Opportunities
June 10, 2021Meal trains have been established for Steve Miller, our Sunday sexton, and Teresa Hutcheson, our church secretary, as they undergo treatment:
- To provide a meal for Steve and Keri Miller, click here
- To provide a meal for Teresa and Bill Hutcheson, click here
Family Movie Night
June 10, 20217:30 PM FRIDAY, JUNE 25 ON THE FRONT LAWN
To tie in with our “Animals of the Bible” summer church school, we’ll be screening Zootopia. We’ll provide the popcorn and mini water bottles. Bring a blanket for your family to sit on.
Presbyterian Women: June Updates
June 10, 2021- Thanks to all who contributed to the PW Birthday Offering which totaled $1,429.
- Do you have items for hygiene bags for the Domestic Violence Center in Harrisburg? Drop off deodorants, washcloths, toothbrushes, sample size toothpastes, wide-tooth combs, tissue packets in the box at the office entrance by June 20.
July-September “These Days” Ready
June 10, 2021Check the wooden rack between the doors at the office entrance, or in the Narthex, for your new copy of “These Days” devotionals.
Worship on the Front Lawn!
June 8, 2021
May 2021 Session Highlights
June 2, 2021- Reviewed the Treasurer’s report for the year to date. Contributions are in line with the budget and 2020 giving. Expenses are also in line with the budget.
- The Session reviewed recommendations from the COVID Task Force and approved the following:
- Up to 50 worshipers in the Chapel at 8 am with face masks optional for those who are fully vaccinated
- Up to 150 worshipers in the Sanctuary at 10:30 am, face masks required
- No registration required for in-person worship
- Singers & wind instrumentalists continue to be masked at 10:30 am worship
- Nursery care for children 1-3 begins June 13
- Masks optional at outdoor worship & fellowship
- Groups/committees decide among themselves whether or not to wear masks
- Beginning in June funeral meals may be served with a maximum of 75 people
- Live streaming continues
- Approved a Capital Procurement Requisition to perform lighting upgrades throughout the church building. The upgrades will include replacement of emergency lighting and exit signs, upgrading the light quality in Fellowship Hall with more efficient LED fixtures and bulbs, and conversion from fluorescent to LED lighting in the church office, basement corridors and narthex. Funding for the project provided by the Capital Facilities Restricted Fund.
- Accepted with appreciation a $200,000 donation from an anonymous donor. The funds will be used for four different purposes:
- $100,000 to be deposited into a newly created “Transportation Fund” for the purpose of purchasing and maintaining a new van or other church-owned vehicle
- $50,000 to be used to build a new wing on the Sargodha School in Pakistan
- $30,000 towards cemetery restoration
- $20,000 placed in a new “Youth Transformation Assistance” Fund which will support community youth with life transforming experiences
- Received a report from the Buildings and Grounds Committee on recommendations for restoring the cemetery to address broken & dislocated grave markers, deteriorating portions of the cemetery wall, remove trees whose roots are disturbing the grave markers and wall, and regrade/reseed the turf. The project will span the next three years with the goal of completion prior to Derry’s 300th anniversary celebration at which time the cemetery will be rededicated. The total cost of the project is estimated to be $202,000, with funds coming from donations, cemetery plot sales, and Derry’s Legacy Fund. The Session approved the project.
- Approved a revised position description for Derry’s Sexton position.
Nursery Care Returns Sunday, June 13
June 2, 202110:15-11:30 AM IN THE NURSERY SUITE
- For ages one to three
- Plan on extra time to check in as sign-in procedures have changed for the safety of all children in our care
- Drop off and pick up outside the door to the nursery suite
- Please label all items belonging to your child
Derry Church Hosts Needed for 10:30 am Worship
June 2, 2021As in person worship gains momentum, it’s time to recruit some extra hands to help out at 10:30 am worship. Here’s what you need to know about the new role of Derry Church host:
- Two hosts needed every Sunday: one by the courtyard entrance, one by the choir room/elevator
- Arrive by 10 am
- Welcome people arriving for worship
- Offer assistance as needed
- Count how many people are in the Sanctuary during worship
- During the service, sit near your assigned Sanctuary door to greet latecomers and help anyone who needs assistance
- Sign up online or call the church office (717-533-9667)
Two More Softball Games in Regular Season Play
June 2, 20215-7 PM SUNDAY, JUNE 6
Games on June 3 are cancelled.
Games played at Veteran’s Park off Elmerton Avenue, Harrisburg. Bring a comfy chair and cheer on the team!
Griefshare Support Group Begins June 21
June 1, 2021
GriefShare is a friendly, caring group of people who walk alongside people through one of life’s most difficult experiences, offering support to those who are dealing with the loss of a loved ones from death.
Participants are required to be fully vaccinated against COVID-19 for the safety of all who attend. Register by contacting Marie Buffaloe or call the church office (717-533-9667). No cost to attend. Child care is not available.