
Softball Season Begins May 2


Derry’s co-ed softball team opens its 2021 season next month. Men and women age 16 and older are welcome to play on Derry’s recreational softball team. Please call or text coach Keri Miller for more information.

April Updates from Presbyterian Women

  • Join the PW Spring Gathering to learn about the last USA Mission Experience trip to the Finger Lakes region of New York from Martha Manning, exploring strong women and their influence on history. The Zoom meeting will start at 10 am Saturday, April 18 with devotions and a brief business meeting. Contact Sue Mummert to request login information.
  • Those who have one of the kits to make 10 hygiene bags for the Domestic Violence Center: please return bags and any unfinished materials to the church by May 2.

Cooking Classes & More Support Friends of Presbyterian Education Board

Click here to learn more about three online cooking classes that will show you how to make authentic Pakistani foods like samosas, traditional rice pilau and Nankhatai shortbread cookies! Also available are fair trade cooking bundles to complete the experience. Fun for the whole family and a great wait to learn more about classic Pakistani foods. Proceeds benefit Friends of PEB.

March 2021 Session Highlights

  • Approved Baptismal Instruction and Infant Baptism for Sophia Vatter, daughter of Derry members Jeff & Katrina Vatter for May 30, 2021.
  • Renewed the yearly Covenant of Agreement for Pastoral Relationship with Rev. Dr. Marie L. Buffaloe.
  • Reviewed the Treasurer’s report for the year to date. Contributions are generally in line with the budget although lower than 2020. Expenses are also in line with the budget.
  • A review of the initial in-person worship services indicated that the gatherings are going well with worshippers adhering to established protocols. The staff is also pleased with the integration of live and pre-recorded presentations. The Covid Task Force met on March 16 and recommended that the Session approve beginning Phase 1B which would allow small group gatherings, bell choir to play in worship (masked), live family worship services, and in-person funerals. Another recommendation was to increase Sunday worship attendance to 60 people and to begin 8 AM in-person worship on Easter Sunday following the same protocols as the 10:30 service. After discussion, the Session approved these items.
  • Another Task Force recommendation was to allow one unmasked soloist sitting in the choir loft to participate in worship. A lengthy discussion followed resulting in approval to have masked soloists, and eventually duets and trios, participating in worship leadership from the choir loft.
  • Reviewed Pastor Stephen’s sabbatical request to study the theology of reconciliation and stories of reconciliation lived out in the world. Foundational work will begin upon approval of the proposal through a comprehensive reading list and participation in a 6-month Journey of Hope Leadership Program through Reconcilers Together. The time off portion is planned for June, 2022 for approximately four weeks of study in Ireland with special attention to Northern Ireland where the Corrymeela Community is located (dependent upon travel/Covid restrictions).
  • Elders reviewed Pastor Stephen’s comprehensive outline of the proposed sabbatical and approved the request. Also approved was the use of the Brong Scholarship Fund for up to $10,000 of sabbatical expenses in Ireland such as airfare, lodging, car rental & gas, educational tours, etc.  While Pastor Stephen’s family will accompany him to Ireland, no family expenses would be covered by the scholarship funds.
  • Charlie & Marilyn Koch submitted a request to provide a takeaway Easter breakfast to be picked up on Saturday, April 3. Donations received are earmarked for Bridges to Community. The Session unanimously approved the request and thanks Charlie, Marilyn, and their entire team for their continuing efforts to provide Easter breakfast.

Mission Madness Final Report from Commissioner Pete Steelman

After three weeks and 63 games played, Mission Madness has come to a bittersweet end. Baylor grabbed its proverbial slingshot and took down the Goliath Gonzaga last night, and in so doing also took out Craig Kegerise, who had been leading our competition since the Sweet 16. Nonetheless, after a great run Craig falls to a respectable 9th place.

Our winner, who will be given his 2021 trophy and whose name will be etched on the plaque and thus in history, is Gregg “3G” Robertson! Congratulations on your peerless prognostication, Gregg! Now, some folks might pause here to point out that Gregg also had three brackets finish in the bottom 20. While that’s true, it’s worth noting that everyone is welcome to fill out multiple brackets…imagine if we all followed the “3G Model” next year and entered multiple brackets and quadrupled our scholarship donations! Here’s hoping the 3G Model is the wave of the future!

1st: Gregg “3G” Robertson
2nd: Annie “Hufflepuff” Burke (Best in Youth)
3rd: Bruce “Snow Goose” McKinney (Best in Session)
4th: Jim “The Destroyer” Royer (Best in Music)
5th: Andrew “Berserk” Burke (Best in Children)
6th: Susan “Swag” Stagg
7th: Andy “No Look” Cook
8th: Craig “Extra Spice” Kegerise
9th: Grant “If the Shoes Fit, I’ll” Wareham (Best in Staff)
10th: Karen “Smooth” Carns
11th: Ray “Typhoon” June
12th: Marty “Bam-Bam” Walker 
13th: Brooks “Unscramble” Campbell
14th: Jim “Clever Pig” Cunningham
15th: Lois “The Prophet” Harris
16th: Mike “Buster” Parrish
17th: Michael “Mad Dog” McKenna
18th: Joey “the Prognosticator” Owsley 
19th: David “Sneak Attack” Whitenack
20th: Joe “Nostradamus” Owsley (Joe Sr.)

Children’s Easter Worship

Pastor Pam and Mr. Grant lead you in singing the song we learned last week, but pay special attention to the verses: one of them is different this week! Mrs. Steelman tells us the second part of the story of Easter!

Books: Free to a Good Home

Spring cleaning is under way at Derry Church, and we’ve unearthed a number of Bible studies, books, and reference materials that are ready for a new home. Stop by tables in the Narthex to peruse the selection, and take home or share with others any titles of interest.

Thank you, Gardeners of Derry!

BIG THANK YOU to everyone who worked outside last Friday & Saturday on the church property and the Mission House. We are so grateful for the wonderful work the garden volunteers did cleaning up the church grounds and making it look so welcoming as Easter approaches. Shout out to Bill & Marion Alexander and their pickup truck, Ann Geist, Jeff Miller, Brad Rhine and his truck, Doug Ebner, Barbara & Joe Sciacca, Julie & Mike Yutesler, Barbara & Ron Holmes, Daniel Forslund, Bob Good, Cynthia & Ken Pearl, Tom & Nancy Kitzmiller & Ray Delo. Interested in tending one of the flower beds this summer? Contact the Kitzmillers.