Church Attendance in Pandemic Times
March 4, 2021You may be wondering: how does live stream attendance from the past year compare with Derry’s in-person church attendance? In pre-pandemic times, ushers counted everyone sitting in the Chapel and Sanctuary and the number was recorded in a notebook. Each year, those numbers were added up, giving us an average in-person attendance figure for the year. In 2019, that number was 321.
In 2020 we had live streaming numbers that Sue George records on a spreadsheet each week. Pre-pandemic, our Sunday live stream averaged 35 IP addresses. From March-Dec 2020, live stream attendance averaged 270, and so far this year we’re at 280 across all three platforms people use to join us on Sunday mornings (our website, YouTube and Facebook).
Each IP address represents a single computer, TV or mobile device. In many homes more than one person is watching, so for actual attendance, it’s realistic to estimate 1.5 to 2 times 280, giving Derry a range of 420-560 viewers each week who attend from a dozen states.
When the adult Issues Class met in person, the class averaged 10-15 participants. On Zoom, the class averages 30 participants with many more watching afterwards.
In children’s programming, Derry Church welcomed on average 20 children in person ages 4-grade 5. On Zoom we’re seeing 25 participants at church school and fellowship opportunities.
Youth fellowship often saw 15-20 in-person participants and now 12-15 youth are joining virtually. This group spends the most time staring at screens during the week, so we’re not surprised to see that they want a break on the weekends.
Derry Church continues to attract new members, with 10 people joining last November and eight in the current class that will be received on March 14. Some new members have not yet been inside the church building.
Shares for Scholarships Campaign: Fantastic Final Report!
March 4, 2021Our 2021 “Shares for Scholarships”campaign has come to a close, and your response was overwhelming: 50 donations were received totaling $12,394! Thank you for your generous outpouring of love for the children of Pakistan. Your gifts make it possible for 32 day students and one boarding school student to benefit from a year full of learning. We can’t thank you enough for your kindness. Bless you and shalom from Derry’s Friends of Sargodha committee
Mission Madness is Back and Better than Ever!
March 4, 2021It seems like years since last March, when the pandemic hit and the NCAA Tournament was cancelled, but we quickly pivoted and fashioned our “Derry Madness” games and videos to take the place of the basketball. As fun as that was, with the return of NCAA basketball we are returning to the ‘traditional’ mission fundraiser!
Proceeds will go to student scholarships for the Sargodha School in Pakistan. A suggested $10 donation per entry can be made on the church’s secure online giving portal: select “Pakistan Scholarships.”
If you participated in the last NCAA pool two years ago, you should be automatically re-enrolled in the Yahoo site where you will enter your picks. If you are new, or unsure if you played before, or have a new email address, just email Pete Steelman and he will add you to the mailing list.
You may pre-register on Yahoo now, although picks cannot be made until “Selection Sunday” in mid-March.
A trophy and engraved plaque for the overall winner will be presented next month, as well as multiple engraved medals for winners of subgroups (Best Youth, Best in Staff, Best on Session, Best in Music etc). And yes, you can also look forward to Pete’s traditional email updates, nicknames, and jovial banter that recaps the action after every round of games.
Epistemology and the Search for Truth: Week 5
March 4, 2021Week #5 of Pastor Stephen’s class, “Epistemology and the Search for Truth.” Which is more important, a fact or an opinion on any given subject? It might be tempting to say the fact. But not so fast…
Invitation to Explore Racial Injustice
March 4, 2021Derry Church received an invitation from Messiah University to apply for a program to learn and explore more about racial injustice. Thriving Together: Congregations for Racial Justice is being planned by Dr. Drew Hart and Dr. Brian Smith and local Harrisburg community leaders. Churches interested in participating for the two-year study will apply, and 12 churches will be selected. Two or three members from each congregation will take part in the program for two years. Read more about the program and application process in the link above. Interested? Contact Pastor Marie as soon as possible: Derry Church must submit its application by March 12.
Notes of Thanks
March 4, 2021Derry friends, thank you to all who sent cards and condolences on my Father’s death. Thanks so much. Jack Keene
Dear Friends at Derry, Thank you for all your prayers, flowers, cards and phone calls after my recent hospitalization. They helped my recovery and lifted my spirits. Gratefully, Dave Gloeckler
Lenten Worship with Pastor Stephen • 3/2/21
March 3, 2021Tuesday worship with Pastor Stephen focuses on Christ’s command to “deny yourself, take up your cross, and follow me.”
Let’s Talk About It: Potential Property Purchase Under Consideration
February 25, 2021
Derry Church has been approached by the owners of 239 E Derry Road (situated between the Arts on Derry building and the Mission House) with the offer to let us buy the property before it goes on the market.
A task force has explored short and long-term possibilities with the property including: rental property, mission house, storage and extra space for Derry, and parking space. The task force determined 239 Derry was of more strategic value than the house we own at 275 Mansion Rd. The Task Force recommended making an offer for 239 Derry Road and then selling 275 Mansion Rd to offset the cost.
If Derry Church ultimately purchases 239 Derry and/or sells 275 Mansion, congregational approval will be needed.
Questions? Contact Pastor Stephen, George Porter, or Gregg Robertson.
February 2021 Session Highlights
February 25, 2021February 2021 Session Highlights
- Reviewed the annual Statistical Report prepared for PCUSA.
- The Treasurer reported that contributions and expenses are currently in line with budget expectations.
- Received and discussed the COVID Task Force’s re-gathering proposal. After a lengthy discussion, the Session approved 3 phases for re-opening the church: Phase 1A, Phase 1B, and Phase 2. Phase 1A will begin on March 7, 2021 with permitting 8:00 am worship in the Sanctuary (maximum of 30 people based on 10% comfortable pew seating capacity) and AA to meet in Room 10 with use of the patio entrance along Mansion Road. Opening dates for the other phases will be reviewed and discussed at the March 17, 2021 Session meeting.
- Approved continuing the use of the Anderson Trust quarterly distributions (as originally approved in 2017) as follows:
- To pay the debt service associated with the Presbyterian Investment and Loan Program loan taken to fund Derry’s HVAC project.
- If funds remain, a distribution will be made, if necessary, to address any shortfall in the Church budget.
- Any remaining funds will be distributed 50% to Derry’s Capital Facilities Fund and 50% to the Legacy Fund.
- Heard a proposal to purchase the property at 239 Derry Road which has been offered by the current owners to Derry for consideration. A task force comprised of members from various session committees toured the building and reviewed possible short and long-term recommendations for the property. The purchase of the property presents a unique opportunity for the church to acquire three contiguous properties along Derry Road. The Session discussed the need to develop a cohesive plan for use of the properties that Derry currently owns. If the property were to be purchased, the current plan would be to sell the property at 275 Mansion Road and develop a long-term strategy for the use of the three contiguous properties. After discussion, the Session authorized the Stewardship & Finance Committee to make an offer on 239 Derry Road at a price not to exceed $215,000 contingent upon a home inspection, appraisal, and congregational approval.
- A called meeting to receive new members was scheduled for March 7, 2021 at 2 pm.
- Held the annual meeting of the Board of Trustees for The Derry Presbyterian Church, Inc. during which time Duncan Campbell was elected President and Connie Henry as Vice President. Kathy Yingst, Clerk of Session and Stephen Guenther, Church Treasurer, were affirmed ex officio as Secretary and Treasurer of the Corporation, respectively.
Notes of Thanks
February 25, 2021To my Derry Church friends, thank you so much for your concern and prayers during my recent surgery and recovery. I am so grateful for your support. In His love, Joanne Unverzagt
Thank you to all who sent cards and expressed their sympathies to me after my brother passed away just before Christmas. In these times of isolation and loneliness, your words have been especially comforting to me and to my family. To all who have lost and who have lived throughout the pandemic, we send our love, in anticipation of being together again very soon. Connie Henry
February 25, 2021February 18, 2021
That’s enough to fund not only the ten students we’ve been supporting, but more than 20 ADDITIONAL students attending Presbyterian Education Board schools in Pakistan! Thank you, Derry Church, for your amazing generosity.
It’s not too late to participate in this fundraiser that closes at the end of February and a final tally will be reported in March. Read on for details…
Meet Youail, One of Derry Church’s PEB Scholarship Recipients

Greeting from Sargodha. I am writing this note of thanks for the special care and support that you show in choosing me for the scholarship. I am trying my best to be a good student of my class. My school is the best, full of fun and care. I like coming to school. All teachers and my friends are very nice. Thank you again.
For ten years, Derry Church has maintained a partnership with the Presbyterian Education Board in Pakistan. PEB operates 25 schools, primary through high school, including some boarding schools, that serve more than 5,900 students. Derry, through the Friends of Sargodha group, has a particular relationship with the schools in Sargodha.
Our goal is to provide ten scholarships every year. You can help.
A full scholarship for a day student is $370 a year, about a dollar a day. We are dividing that amount into ten shares, $37 each, to offer you the opportunity to support a portion of a scholarship.
You can purchase one or more shares by writing a check to Derry Church notated “Pakistan Scholarship” or giving online through the church website and selecting “Pakistan Scholarship.”
Read Rev. Nancy Reinert’s message inviting you to participate. This fundraiser continues through February 2021.
Epistemology and the Search for Truth: Session #4
February 25, 2021Week #4 of Pastor Stephen’s class, “Epistemology and the Search for Truth. This week we are talking about the extent of human knowledge; that is, how much do we, or can we, know? How can we use our reason, our senses, the testimony of others, and other resources to acquire knowledge? Are there limits to what we can know?