Spread the Joy, Share the Love!

From Sunday, Nov 26 through Sunday, Dec 3, join Derry Church as we spread the joy and share the love! In the Narthex outside Fellowship Hall, you can pick up our 2023 Advent devotional, "Home for,"…

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Oct 2023 Session Highlights

Derry’s sponsored Scout troops will offer a Spaghetti Luncheon (eat in or take out) on Sunday, February 4, 2024 in Fellowship Hall following the 10:30 worship service. Derry members Dora Butler…

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2023 Cookie Walk & Jumbles Shop

9 AM - 12 PM SATURDAY, DEC 2 IN FELLOWSHIP HALL Start looking for that special cookie recipe! Derry Church families are encouraged to donate at least one batch of homemade cookies (2-4 dozen or).…

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2023 CROP Walk

  The 38th Annual Hershey/Hummelstown CROP Hunger Walk is right around the corner! On Sunday, Oct 22 churches from the Hershey/Hummelstown area join together with Church World Service to raise…

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New Member Classes Begin 

9:15 AM SUNDAYS, NOV 5 - DEC 3 IN THE JOHN ELDER CLASSROOMNO CLASS ON THANKSGIVING WEEKEND (11/26) The fall series of New Member Discovery Classes gives you the opportunity to learn more about the…

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