Volunteer Clearances

At Derry Church, clearances are needed if you: Volunteer with children and/or youth Participate in mission trips (in the U.S. and internationally) Volunteer with refugees Are an employee of Derry…

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May 2023 Session Highlights

Rev. Kristal Smith, Presbytery Leader for Governance and Congregational Leadership met with the Session to bring updates on the Presbytery’s work and answer questions. She discussed Rev. Cheryl Galan…

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Sue Fox Announces Retirement

While Sue can never be replaced, Derry Church has started the search for a new lead nursery caregiver. Click for the job description. If you or someone you know is interested in applying, resumes…

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April 2023 Session Highlights

The Communications & Technology committee is recommending adding a piece of wall art to the area behind the Welcome Table and has had discussions with artist Luke Gawron to create the project.…

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