Refugee Resettlement Update

This week members of Derry Church and All Saints Episcopal Church agreed to partner with Church World Services Harrisburg to help resettle two Syrian families in the Hershey area. The first family…

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New Member Classes Begin Aug 7

The summer series of New Member Discovery Classes will be held 9-10 am Sundays, Aug 7-28 in the John Elder Classroom. Child care is available. You'll learn about the mission and ministry of Derry…

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New Member Classes Begin

The summer series of New Member Discovery Classes will be held 9-10 am Sundays, Aug 7-28 in the John Elder Classroom. Child care is available. You'll learn about the mission and ministry of Derry…

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New Member Classes

The summer series of New Member Discovery Classes will be held 9-10 am Sundays, Aug 7-28 in the John Elder Classroom. Child care is available. You'll learn about the mission and ministry of Derry…

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