Notes of Thanks

Derry Family and Friends, it's been a long time coming, but I would like to reach out and thank each of you for your phone calls, cards, words of encouragement and especially the prayers that you…

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Organ Recital

After more than a year of restoration, the 1950 Aeolian-Skinner Op. 1132 built for the Redeemer Church in New Haven, Connecticut has found new life in the Sanctuary. You're invited to attend the…

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Thank You from Krislund Camp!

You may be someone who has fond memories of "Vanna White," Derry's church van for many years. It was used to transport children, youth and adults to mission trips, Montreat, skiing adventures and…

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Notes of Thanks

Dear friends, thank you for your prayers, visits, flowers and phone calls through all these years! Prayers were answered throughout this time. Praise the Lord! Sharon JenneI would like to thank my…

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